Viciousness and Frivolity

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I’m spending a relaxing afternoon in the CCM Starbucks on UC’s campus. My workday ended early and since Ted & I carpool downtown for work together whenever possible, I’m hanging out waiting for Ted to finish up for the day. I love these kind of afternoons when I can sip a hot rich drink, nibble on lemon pound cake, and read a book or catch up on computer work at my own leisurely pace while listening to calming and eclectic coffee-shop music. I was only briefly disturbed by two blabbermouth costume and makeup/wig students who were picking apart the bodies of the ladies in the Evita cast, accusing them of being “the fat kind of skinny,” “flubbery,” and “kind of bitchy.” As if vocally and publicly picking apart the personalities, talents and body types of your peers in a communal location where everyone in the department congregates is any less bitchy. I shot a few menacing glares their direction, but otherwise kept to myself until they, thankfully, hit the road, probably to continue their trash talk elsewhere. Most theatre artists (and college students), no matter how skinny, pretty or talented, are self-conscious and insecure enough without their own peers bringing them down. Save the criticism and analytic commentary for the professional critics, whose job it is to pick people apart somewhat respectfully. I despise that kind of blatant rudeness.

Last night we attended the invited dress for A Little Night Music at CCM. The show is free, so within an hour of the box office opening ticket reservations for it, it was totally sold out. Lucky for us, Ted’s an insider here so we just sat in on the invited dress rehearsal the day before opening with the rest of the technical crew, students and professors who needed to see it. I really like this musical, so I basically dragged Ted to see it, although he had little no interest in it, especially since he spends all day, everyday, at CCM in a dark theatre and most likely wanted nothing more than to get away for a few hours. But he got off work, picked me up at home, drove us back to CCM, and watched the show with me because he’s just that awesome. The tomfoolery of the show gets really fun right about act 2, so not all hope was lost. He wasn’t totally miserable and even braved a few laughs toward the end there ;-) We discussed the striking musical and plot similarities between Into the Woods and A Little Night Music (both Sondheim shows), ate dinner at 11:30 p.m., and crashed.

So that was our big night out – lots of excitement going on here in our household, obviously. Low key seems to suit us just nicely right now. Hope you’re all ready to check out the Packers in the Superbowl on Sunday!

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Socially Successful

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The past two days have been, what I will call, socially successful. I didn’t write a novel, save a baby, complete a trying home improvement project, or contribute to society in any miraculous way. No, none of these achievements were intellectually profound, mentally exhausting, or really even all that insightful, but they were enjoyable.

First up, I tried a Subway breakfast sandwich for the first time yesterday morning and it was delicious. I’m really happy that fast food joints have finally caught on that people appreciate healthy options and feel much better about having to grab breakfast on the go occasionally knowing that they don’t have the blow an entire day’s allotment of calories on one meal.

I made ribs and a cake – not a huge feat, but definitely time consuming. I’d never made ribs before and you always hear people talking about how touch-and-go ribs are. They’re usually either awesome or terrible, so I was worried I’d screw them up. But I used this recipe that my sister forwarded me, and they were fall-off-the-bone perfect and flavorful! Ted ranked them in the top 10 ribs he’s ever had! They were so easy too that it was unreal. Here’s a picture of the birthday cake I made for Ted’s 4th diabetic birthday:

I did the PWC thing (kinda). In case you’re not clued into commonly used wedding acronyms (can’t blame you), it stands for Post Wedding Chop. Usually bride’s want to grow their hair out for the wedding so they can have some snazzy updo. But by the time the wedding rolls around, they’re so sick of dealing with their long hair that they immediately head to the salon to hack it all off into some short chic coif as soon as the honeymoon is over. Well, I’ve never been the one for “normal” so I never wanted a PWC. Why would I want to do something every single other bride in the history of bridaldome has done? Over 3 months after our wedding I did decide to freshen up the layers, trim off a few split ends and add a few whispy side bangs – hardly an respectable full-blown PWC, but it sure feels nice to have some sass and style back in my hair (though it mostly looks the same)! Maybe I’ll get around to posting pictures of it eventually.

I read a full book for the first time since we got engaged. Yep, a full novel. I love reading. I used to read books all the time. And have missed it dearly. It felt so nice to sit down a finish off a big ol’ book in a matter of days while on the job.

We made a trip to Sam’s and finally got me added onto the membership. Bulk deliciousness here we come! Sam’s is like the mecca of goodness. I’m pretty stoked! We plan to make it a monthly trip.

We rented and watched The Social Network and Secretariat. Very different movies, but both very good depending on what kinds of films you like.

I also finally, finally started uploading the first batch of wedding weekend photos to Facebook so my friends who couldn’t make the wedding (or who were there and just want to see the pics!) can finally see them. Only took me 3 months….but hey, I’ve been busy and photo uploading is time consuming!

So….socially successful, wouldn’t you say? Enjoy your evening and stay warm!

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