Last night our chill young professionals book club met for some excellent company, delectable nosh and cocktails, and – of course – riveting and thoughtful discussion of The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald…much like every other book club in America likely did since the highly-anticipated new Baz Luhrman flick is due to hit theatres nation-wide today. (I said we were chill – and generally smart, awesome, and funny too – not highly original.) Also, this book is a classic. A classic most of us have not read since it was force-fed to us in high school, so it was definitely time to give it another, more worldly and mature, read.


{Photo credit to book-clubber Ali!}
On our menu: Open-faced cucumber sandwiches, a veggie tray, crab and avocado salad in petite fillo cups, flaky spinach phyllo pastries, freshly baked warm pumpkin muffins with butter, olives, strawberries, brownies, Oreos, deviled eggs (with the book’s references to East Egg & West Egg, it was impossible not to jump at the opportunity to whip up some of these puppies!)…and wine, beer, champagne and mint juleps!

Old sports in attendance: We welcomed a handful of awesome new members last night for a grand total of 13 (five or six of whom were male, making for a fairly even gender mix…take that book club stereotype!) What a great group and fun meeting! We’ve all agreed to meet again next Thursday night at The Little Theatre for an evening showing of the new Great Gatsby movie. Despite the film’s less than stellar reviews, I’m looking forward to hanging out with the group again and ogling some seriously glamorous eye candy!

My overall thoughts: Oh, to be poor and happy! Sure beats rich, empty, and careless any day. (We did, in fact, engage in a host of much deeper thoughts and conversations over the course of our two-hour meeting…but that pretty much sums it up for me!)
What we’re reading next: A Pig in Paris

Also, to recap, my theatre education department partner-in-crime and I accompanied our ten teenage Stage Door Design Project students to see our first preview performance of A Midsummer Night’s Dream on Wednesday night. The world in our version of this masterpiece is simply stunning – the costumes, the lighting, the gorgeous music from our composer – utterly breathtaking and magical. A feast for the senses! And it’s good for a few laughs, too. You should probably get yourself to Geva Theatre Center to see it ASAP!
And….and….and….TODAY IS MOVING DAY 1!!!!!!!!!
Ted arrives early this afternoon with the first load of our stuff and we start moving in this weekend. Ted will make three trips from Cincinnati in all, and he won’t officially be here for good with the last of our stuff until early June, but it’s finally, actually happening y’all! Send some good vibes our way, please! :)
Have a great weekend!