Well, well, well.
It’s been a minute (or four years), but look who’s back from the depths of a busy life! To be clear, the pandemic and resulting period of quarantine for the past 10 months has not resulted in our lives being any less busy than before (somewhat surprisingly), but it has added opportunity for reflection and clarity, and shifted into focus what’s truly valuable and most worthy of our time and energy. And staying connected with family and friends in a deeper and more regular way is one of those things that’s been a defining aspect of staying mentally and emotionally healthy during 2020. And, so, I thought it would be a good time to revive this old blog. Not particularly for the purposes of capturing followers, attracting widespread attention, or becoming a blogger again like in days gone by, but just for the simple pleasure of staying connected with those we care about who seem to, mutually, care what we’re up to – both the exciting and the mundane. And there’s plenty of both.
It would take months of dedicated writing to catch up on the past four years: Life in the UAE, Italy, Canada, family reunions on both sides, family vacations, our own personal various vacations across the US (Arizona, New York, Texas, Wisconsin, Connecticut, Idaho, Ohio, Pennsylvania, etc.), multiple home opener Packer games, buying a house, packing and moving, job changes, loss of beloved family members both human and furry, gaining new friends, so many hobbies (bowling league, book club, archery league, my She-Food fish & dish group, weekly animal shelter volunteering – obviously all pre-pandemic), a ton of DIY building and house projects, exciting and memorable artistic pursuits….and a million more things. One thing is for sure – we have a very full life stuffed with plenty of adventure and love that we are immensely grateful for. I may try to recap some of the highlights of the past few years, or maybe just the highlights of this past year. Or maybe I’ll just pick up with the here and now. I haven’t decided quite yet. But this is my quick hello to say welcome back and more later!