If you missed the first half of this post, please scroll down to the next post. Hmmm, now where were we? Ah, yes! Enchanted Christmas tree forest. At the National Railroad Museum, among the steam engines and tracks, they had a small forest of uniquely decorated trees. Here are a few of my favorites. Please excuse the hideous placement and odd formatting of these pictures – as I’ve mentioned, wordpress is an unreasonable beast to work with and places all the photos you’ve carefully arranged any old place with reckless abandon, and I’m too tired to care about fixing it

We also managed to work in a little snowjoyment time.
For lunch we ate at Chili John’s, which is one of the best restaurants in Green Bay. In Texas, chili is eaten atop burgers or hot dogs, or as a hearty soup. Up north chili is eaten over a bed of cooked spaghetti and oyster crackers, with or without beans. I used to think that was so. weird. I mean, spaghetti and chili are two distinctly different entrees, right? But in some parts of our great nation, I guess it’s normal to combine them. I’ve gotten used to this custom though, and Chili John’s has a super secret amazing recipe for their chili. Every single time we are in Green Bay, we have to eat here – the smell walking in is enough to bring about instant drool syndrome. Tonight we curled up with popcorn and blankets in the basement to watch Meet the Fockers in preparation for seeing Little Fockers at the theatre sometime this week. But before that we stopped by Green Bay’s Botanical Gardens for their holiday lights in the garden walking trails. With a little over a mile of walking (or horse-drawn wagon, if you prefer) trails and millions of LED lights, it was quite the light bright fest – we’ll forget about the 6 degrees outside part (boooo!) and let the pictures speak for themselves. Keep in mind that the pictures really don’t do it justice. It’s very difficult to accurately capture the brightness and saturation of Christmas lights at night with a flash camera, and even more difficult when you are completely unwilling to shed your gloves to operate the tiny buttons on the camera for fear of instant frost bite.
popcorn??? mom’s popcorn????
nope, just regular popcorn (we weren’t that lucky)