While I spent the weekend in show schedule, Ted spent the weekend in Cleveland enjoying a good party, good weather, good family, good food, and good beer. I always miss Ted when he’s away, but this weekend I really needed some “me” time – a “treat yo’ self” day, if you will.
Between working several 14-hour workdays just in the past week alone, daily rehearsals that lasted well into the night, job interviews, camp preparations, lots of planning and errands, and very little and poor sleep due to a schedule of late nights and early mornings, plus a rather bothersome sun that’s taken to rising at 6 a.m., these little things, all completely normal and manageable by themselves, when taken on all at once were closing in on me and I was waning fast. I found myself feeling overwhelmed and inadequate, exhausted, unmotivated, and frustrated. My work was becoming harder to complete in a timely, efficient, and quality manner, the exhaustion was taking its toll, the stress headaches were starting to sneak in, my thoughts were jumbled, and I was snapping at my husband when he wanted to spend time with me at night, then feeling incredibly guilty for both my behavior and my inability to prioritize what’s truly important in life because I was so busy doing everything else, and not even to best of my ability. It was just too much. I wasn’t feeling or acting like myself and I simply needed a break to get myself back on track.
In retrospect, it was a great thing that Ted was away this weekend and that I was left home alone, to my own devices. Because though I really missed being with family in Cleveland this weekend, and though I had plenty of work I planned on doing, the only things I really had to do were the shows and to get me back to being me. So instead of catching up on work, I made the decisions to put first things first and take care of myself so that I could be a better wife, a better friend, a better worker, and a happier, healthier person. So I relaxed.
And even just from simply hearing my voice over the phone on Saturday night when we talked, Ted said that he could hear a distinct change and could tell that I was back. I felt refreshed and rejuvenated. And that was just what I needed.
Friday night was opening night. It was filled with plush red carpets and fabulous flower arrangements and posh catering and gorgeous cakes and an ungodly amount of sweets and tons of savory eats and opening night gifts and champagne for all and hugs from friends and after-parties and excellent theatre. And though it was all glamorous and wonderful and fun, it was also exhausting when piled on top of my already insane week, lack of sleep, and a nearly full-day job interview in Dayton that morning. The show was fabulous, the experience was wonderful, the people were awesome, and the dinner party afterward (with the entire tab picked up by someone else!) at Atavola was fun, but by the time I got home at 1:30 a.m., all I could do was collapse in bed. So I did.
And on Saturday morning I slept in past 7 a.m., for the first time in weeks. And it was exactly what I needed. A full 8 hours of sleep…what a world of difference that can make! When I did finally awake, I treated myself to an 11 a.m. Rhythm & Motion dance class at Cincinnati Ballet, which was so fun and felt amazing. I’ve missed dancing so much and the physical exercise felt so good. Paired with a legitimate amount of sleep I was starting to feel good again. I took myself for a stroll around Findlay Market – my favorite outdoors Cincinnati farmer’s market. I walked and browsed and stocked up on eight perfect, beautiful sweet Carolina peaches, two pounds of green beans, a scrumptious looking zucchini, and a bag of Ted’s favorite caramel corn for Father’s Day (from the crays…). I dined on a great lunch of my favorite Vietnamese sandwich at Pho Lang Thang, which hit the spot. On the way home I stopped at Street Pops, a newly founded gourmet Popsicle joint on Main Street that specializes in unusual pairings, fresh ingredients, and savory flavors. I brought home five handmade Popsicles – which included honey bourbon vanilla, blueberry lemon thyme, hibiscus mint mojito, and creamy thai tea. There’s at least 15 other flavors I’m eager to try (see the list of flavors here). So far they’ve all been delicious and have been a welcome treat at the end of a long, hot summer’s day!
I still had a few hours left before Saturday night show call and was feeling so relaxed after a day of things I enjoy and no particular schedule to keep, so I took myself on a quick, leisurely shopping trip for a super cute pair of green shorts (a bargain at only $12 and colored shorts are a trend I’ve been craving all season), a refill kit of my favorite Philosophy skincare products (a true splurge, but they literally last me all year), and an eye mask. I used to think eye masks for sleeping served one purpose – to fuel a high-maintenance diva’s absurd vanity. And then I got sick of not sleeping because the moon was so beautifully bright and the sun was waking me up at 6 a.m. after only five hours of sleep. So I sucked it up and at Ted’s brilliant suggestion I bought a cheap eye mask. And I no longer judge people who wear eye masks because I’ve learned they do actually have a legitimate purpose – headache relief and blocking out annoying sunlight when one is suffering from a lack of sleep and curtains aren’t in the budget. And I’ll probably be wearing it all summer long. After my successful shopping spree I still had a bit of time before show call and was bound and determined to do something fun and summery, so I went for a float and a splash in the pool for 20 minutes, which was simply glorious because the water was cool and the sun was hot and after spending all my days inside a cold, dark theatre, my body was craving that vitamin D big time. On Saturday night I was feeling refreshed and ready to take on the world again. By the time Ted came home on Sunday, life was good again.

And that, my friends, is the story and the lesson of my wonderful weekend. Though I may not have been productive in the traditional sense of the word – with the exception of a few errands, the interview, and three shows – I truly believe this weekend was productive beyond measure.
When was your last “treat yo’ self” day?