It has been 42 DAYS since I blogged. 42 DAYS. Holy crap. I bet you thought I was a goner! I think I thought I was a goner too. Alas, I am slowly starting to resurrect myself from the joy and turmoil of a life that has been changing nonstop in major ways since May. Some of our adventures I’ll share on this blog, and some I probably won’t. Simply put, 6 months ago I never dreamed our life would be what it is now. Clearly, we have a lot of catching up to do! Most notably, we took a 2.5 week visit to the United Arab Emirates at the end of August/beginning of September.
What. A. Whirlwind. It was wild! I have many, many photos, stories, experiences, observations, and memories to share, which I’ll happily do here over the next few weeks. So be sure to check back often if you’re curious about our adventures and are hankering for an epic photo overload.
But, first and foremost, I found this image the other day during a particularly rough day for me and I thought it was a perfect, stunning example of how to care for a friend who is going through a difficult time. My friends (and of course family) in Rochester, Texas, Vegas, Ohio, Chicago, the Emirates, and everywhere in between have been so absurdly wonderful to me lately, and I don’t know what I would do without them as our lives continue to change and we try to adjust and cope with all the amazing and frustrating things, but this is still a great reminder to anyone who wants to comfort a friend in need.
{click to enlarge}
Before we left for the UAE, amid all the insane packing and incredibly detailed planning, Ted and I both celebrated our birthdays. The night before we left, which was my birthday, we went out for a “last supper” of sushi, salmon teriyaki, and ice cream.

{it’s blurry, but I love this guy}
A few more fun Rochester shots from after we returned from the UAE:

{Ted discovered us a new favorite Rochester diner!}
{Snuggles with this guy :) }
{Girls night with Katie, Janice, and Jessica….delicious margaritas and my first Rochester Garbage Plate! I don’t know if I’ll find myself craving something like this, but I’m glad I finally got to try it and hang out with these awesome ladies!}
{Crimson Crisps….they’re back! My favorite local NY apple is finally back in season! This is going to be one tasty fall}
{The apple crisp Chelsea and I made amid a wonderful night of wine and excellent company and conversation}
Stay tuned for UAE pictures coming soon….I’m glad to be back in the blogosphere! Thanks for waiting an absurd 42 days without giving up on me!