Snap Happy

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Our pro pics are in!!!

Not that I nearly launched myself into the mailbox or rocketed down the driveway like a banshee or anything….ahem.

I am so glad we made an excellent photographer one of our financial priorities for our wedding. After a ton of research, he was the most reasonably priced photographer I found in the Door County area and he had the most impressive images, angles, preparedness, and variety of shooting styles. He took at least a half hour to explain his entire photographic approach to me when we spoke on the phone last December – and I loved what he had to say. We also really liked that with him we could create our own package – hiring him for the exact number of hours we chose – and that we could purchase the reproduction rights to our photos. Plus he was willing to go to as many locations as we wanted, was great with getting families and kids geared up for shots, and was able to do a fantastic mix of traditional photography and contemporary photography with unique shots – like hanging out the back of a speeding convertible snapping pics, for example. We were looking for quality and creativity – and he didn’t disappoint!

Nothing brings back all the memories and emotions from the day quite like looking at your wedding pictures together for the first time. It’s such a rush to see everything from the outside looking in – to see the details and the looks on people’s faces during the ceremony that we missed. We still have a lot of looking and organizing to do – we’ll be putting together albums for us and our parents, combining the best of the best from the pro pics, the family & friends cameras, and the disposable “I Spy” cameras we put out at the reception. We’ll be deciding which ones to frame and hang in our home and which ones to use for other purposes. But all that will come in 2011!  In the meantime:  Friends, if you have any pictures in your camera that you haven’t shared yet, please feel free to send some of them our way!

So without giving away too much just yet, I’d like to share a few images with you from our October 22, 2010 Door County, WI wedding day.  All photos are courtesy of Matt Normann Photography.

(That’s 250 people total. LOVE it.)

(The stunning weather & breathtaking fall color we were blessed with – just look at how blue that sky is!)

(Detail shots – the stain glass window and lighting in the church, wheat bundle decor at our reception, our classic getaway car which was my old, borrowed and blue (my new was Ted!), and a very special dress.)

If that isn’t enough excitement for you for one day, our neighbor is tearing up her yard. We have no idea what’s she’s really doing – she could be putting in a pool, a fenced in animal area, or simply adding to her agricultural wonders – but whatever it is all I know is that bulldozers and a small work crew showed up yesterday and are going to town right across the fence. I guess we’ll have to wait a few weeks to see the new addition.

Today I’m going to give the house a quick cleaning, finish packing for our trip, make some peppermint bark, and do some cooking to use up all the food in the fridge.  Happy Tuesday!

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Marriage is…

Now that we’ve been married a whopping two-and-a-half weeks and I’m a pro (ahem) at this whole marriage thing, here’s a quick update on what I’ve learned so far:

Marriage is, of course, love and passion, but there’s so much more to it. It’s about finding the person you can share love and passion with, but also share all of life’s adventures and experiences with – no matter how exciting, new and unusual or mundane and monotonous they may be. Marriage is spending a week raking a yard full of leaves until you can’t move your throbbing arms anymore. Marriage is installing weather-stripping on the doors in the dark after work and taking weeks to decide which washer & dryer to purchase because you want to read every review ever published and make the right decision (those things aren’t cheap – we’re on a budget people). Marriage isn’t complete togetherness – sometimes it’s a little lonely when your husband has to work days and some evenings and weekends – you try to put together a bookshelf alone (and fail miserably) and you eat pasta and watch America’s Funniest Home Videos alone and wish he were there instead of at work. But none of that matters because you are overjoyed the second he is home.

Marriage is learning where your husband likes his milk positioned in the fridge for easiest access and living in Lowe’s and Home Depot (we make a minimum of 4 trips a week to each store. They should just starting giving us crap for free. For real.) Marriage is spending our money on things like kitchen island carts, closet organizers, bathroom hardware, and saving for a new sofa and recliner set instead of going to Cedar Point and dining at Hell’s Kitchen in between jaunts to Vegas and Italy. It’s insurance plans and banking accounts and retirement plans and medical decisions. It’s leaving a job and friends you love to move to a new city and start all over again with your best friend in the whole world. It’s giving up your handsome cat (I’m not biased, he really truly is that handsome) and postponing a honeymoon so someone can start a great new job. We figure that honeymoon will be appreciated even more in a year when we’re worn out and need a vacay.

But marriage is also heading to Buffalo Wild Wings on Sundays to down a Woodchuck and some wings while cheering on the Packers together, trying a new restaurant every week, and playing games together on the awesome Wii you received as a wedding present. It’s getting lost, and sharing the couch and ripping open wedding cards and wedding presents like kids on Christmas morning. It’s making macaroni & cheese together, breaking open a bottle of wine (courtesy of Door County!) and settling in for an evening of Hell’s Kitchen or Big Bang Theory. It’s snuggling into bed and falling asleep to the beat of his heart and the sound of his breathing. Marriage is exploring a new city, riding bikes and rollerblading and bowling, making this house our home, inside jokes and lame puns, a “fun things” to-do list, and learning to love, respect, appreciate and enjoy each other more every day.

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