Entertainment: Some got it, other’s dont.

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Let’s take a second to discuss my hatred of the “hit” TV show Glee. I may be the lone voice of reason dissent in a world that has been oddly brainwashed by its phenomenal stupidity, but I loathe that show. Possibly because the characters are so ungodly annoying that I want to hide under the couch for fear that their unfortunate personalities are contagious, or maybe because it is a complete and utter falsification of the world of glee clubs and musical theatre – allowing gullible middle and high schoolers everywhere to believe that throwing together unique, quality vocals and entertaining, precise choreography is a snap and happens justlikethat without an ounce of hard work or long-trained and meticulously-nurtured talent. Any goon in the school can just waltz into the classroom and burst into song and hey, whatdayaknow!? They all just so happen to be exceptionally talented without any effort or training whatsoever – every. single. last. one of them. And the costumes? Oh yes, killer. Because every high school out there can afford a wide array of matching, snazzy costumes as well as up-to-date audio and lighting equipment. Let’s get real – our costumes in high school were made of trash bags and scrap fabric – if we were lucky. In high school when I spent two weeks every summer at a university theatre intensive camp with like 30 other theatre kids, we were all pretty talented (if I do say so myself), but it took work for us to pop out our rockin’ grand finale song & dance numbers at the end of the two weeks. Hard work.

You could argue that the show is making being a singing, dancing, theatre kid “cool” again – though, let’s not be mistaken, being a theatre kid isn’t “cool.” It never was to begin with – it’s passion and it’s hard work. It brings some classic songs to the spotlight in a new, interesting way – which is a creative way to expose today’s generation of youth to a variety of tunes from all genres. Sure, on occasion it has done some socially redeeming things like promoting the acceptance and love of all people regardless of their gender, race, weight, sexual orientation, past, etc. Glee actually sets a fairly promising example when it comes to that issues and it should be applauded for that, but it doesn’t change the fact that, overall, the show is just plain ridiculous. The asinine plot, the outrageous weekly story lines, the scenarios, the totally unreal and unacceptable teacher/student interactions, the student/student situations – all a royal bunch of B.S. Nothing infuriates me more than the weird lip twitch, head bob, and nasal-tone of that obnoxious brunette girl (was anyone else cringing in pain as she butchered, and outright made up, every note in America the Beautiful during the Superbowl?), except maybe the way Glee degrades the real life effort and talent of people who work hard to be musical performers.

It literally pained me to search for this image.


I realize that to some extent, every show on the air does this. They have to – that’s TV for you and how they make it work and it probably wouldn’t be as entertaining otherwise. I love Big Bang Theory and House, but I’m sure someone, somewhere out there is just as horrified by my choices as I am by Glee. Everyone has their pet peeves – this is mine. I’m a little shocked that I was able to construct an entire post about it, actually. Apparently I felt extra passionate about this today. Maybe I’ll sing about it to release my pent up anger. Oh well, onward and upward.

Today I’ll be trying my hand at slow cooker chicken cacciatore for dinner for the first time – Mmmm! I’m also still musing over potential vacation ideas and flights (I think I have cabin fever) but flight prices aren’t impressing me lately. It seems like only a year ago I was getting $99/each way flights back when I was flying to Michigan once a month. I can’t seem to find a domestic round trip ticket for less than $300 anymore (or an international for less than $800), if I’m that lucky at all. Bummer :-( Between fighting for matching days off, needing to use our rare days off to get a handle on our basement, and expensive travel options, it’ll make our dreamed-of travels much harder to achieve. I feel bad looking up all the things I think would be fun to do/see without even knowing if we’ll be able to make it happen. But it brightens my spirits just to see the incredible pictures and to write down all the fabulous excursion, activities, accommodations, and restaurants that would be fun to visit.

Source and Source

This morning I also toured the brand spakin’ new, not yet opened, exhibit at the Cincinnati Museum Center. Cleopatra: The Search for the Last Queen of Egypt. Pretty cool my friends. It’s a National Geographic exhibit and Cincy is one of only 5 cities in the U.S. to be receiving it for six months. It’s going to be a hit seller. There’s a nifty audio tour narrated by Cleo herself, lots of background and history on prominent gods and goddesses, Egypt, Rome, Greece, family ties, her lovers and political allies, war, and most of the many artifacts in the exhibit were just recently discovered and yanked out of their liquidy ocean home where they’ve been since the ancient cities were covered by a tidal wave after Cleo’s death. I learned a lot of very interesting things I didn’t know before. I honestly could have stayed there for at least another hour. The most cutting-edge tidbit is that the ancient underwater cities are still quite the hotspot right this very minute. They’re currently continuing to map how it might have looked back then, pulling artifacts and 16 ft. statues from the depths of the water, piecing together clues, and they think they’re pretty darn close to discovering Cleopatra’s tomb in a hidden temple. It’s rockin’ to see history in the making, right?

One of my friends I met and worked with a few summers ago just got engaged to her boyfriend as well. Happy news for her! She was wearing a duck costume at the time – which immediately makes the story about 10x more adorable. This will be the first night in a long time that Ted should be home at a normal hour – I’m pretty excited that we can hang out tonight! :-) Have a happy Wednesday!

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Jack

    Yup, I tend to agree. I haven’t seen it much but it is a silly show. The story line being “let’s break out into song & dance at what ever moment strikes us.”

    But as I watched it I thought I saw another side. A farce, maybe with some steroids added. Most of the parts are so over acted that I came to the conclusion that it had to be on purpose. So, I watched it with that perspective. And that made it more “watchable” to say.

    My only worry is that there are people out there that think this is normal or real. If that’s true, I worry about those people.

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