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I have to tell you how funky Ohio weather is! It’s still October and we woke up with a hearty layer of snow white frost on the grass, roofs, trees, and vehicles this morning. I’m still of the solid opinion that October is far too early to have to use an ice scraper (just as I am also of the solid opinion that Christmas music and decorations should not start rearing their metallic and shiny heads until December 1st, at the absolute earliest), but clearly, this isn’t my call. Regardless, today it looked like winter out. It was cold and foggy and white. Then as soon as I crossed the state line into Kentucky on my way to work, it was suddenly, magically fall again. The river between Ohio and Kentucky was glassy and calm with thick spirals of steam hanging off the water, the sun was shining bright golden orange and the trees were absolutly ablaze with the brightest fall colors I’ve seen all season. Not a hint of frost to be found. Purely gorgeous. It was like two completely different worlds seperated only by an abstract state line.

I’m not ready for it to be winter yet. Not at all. I quite enjoy fall and could bask in its glory for another three months, enjoying spiced cider and bonfires and pumpkins and leaves until the cows come home. But apparently it’s time for me to haul my winter wardrobe out of storage anyway. Boo.

At least in these parts we see some glorious sunrises and sunsets in the late fall and early winter!


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