Dear Previous Tenants With Two Offspring,
I spent the past hour-and-a-half scrubbing glued-on Batman and Disney Princess stickers off the two windows upstairs. Your welcome.
P.S. And thanks for cleaning the grimy paw print smudges and crayon marks off the banister as well. Cleaning that up was positively the most fun I’ve had all year! I intend to reference you in my future book “How To Be An Awful Tenant and Lose Your Security Deposit – Part 1”
On an unrelated topic, why are laptop bags so ugly? And when you finally do stumble upon a stylish yet functional one it’s pink. And that just ruins everything. As I am no longer 8 years old, a pink laptop bag is not only disgusting, but may as well be monogrammed with my initials in a swirly white polka-dotted script and house my Polly Pocket collection. Sometimes they come in black, but then it all blends together and you miss the neat details. In that case you might as well carry a trash bag. I’m considering adding “laptop purse designer for normal, yet stylish people” to my list of potential jobs. There’s one I am thinking about – the color is called “merlot” which to me is a nice deep burgundy wine color. In some pictures online it is shown as this color:

And in other photos, it looks like this:

Now, I’m sure you can see why this is completely unacceptable. There’s a pretty big difference in color and I really don’t think I can risk owning a pink bag. Back to the drawing board until this mystery can be resolved.
In other Dunn Daily News, I’d like to introduce you to Solo, the gray squirrel who lives in our yard. I have decided his name will be Solo because he is the only squirrel I see frequenting the property and I’ve never seen him chumming around with any other squirrel buddies. In his spare time (in between clamoring round the inside of the shed out back and leaping from fence post to fence post) he likes to scurry up the trees in the front yard and shake the leaves off of them into our freshly raked yard. He usually does this intentionally right after I have raked. He’s adorable, but he has earned the middle name of “Trouble.” I have a feeling he is also the bugger setting off our motion detector lights on the sides and front of the house on a hourly basis. I’ll try to get a picture of him in the near future.
We attacked the office tonight and Ted got about 8 boxes unpacked and into the office closets. We’re getting there – slowly still, but we want to unpack together. And after he works a long day at UC we’d rather relax than unpack and run boxes up and down stairs. So we’re off to throw in a movie and have a glass of wine until we crash for the night.