I know you’re not sick of blog posts or pictures of craybies yet.
So, here’s a few more.
Although I don’t know how much longer we, in good conscience, can continue calling them craybies. At four weeks old, they’re more like toddlers. They totally act like it too.
My buddies and me. We’re thinking of starting a band. Heavy metal.I’m ready for my close up. Please note my marbled complexion…how much am I worth again?Oh, you know, just hanging out. Camouflage is a cray’s best friend! What’s that you say…I’m going to be blue? Oh. Well, that might screw me over later. At least I’m beautiful.Working on my climbing, sunning, and lording over others skills.I won this week’s Beluga Award for being large and in charge. Apparently, I make the other craybies feel like tasty morsels. Oops?Breakfast is my favorite holiday!Mini cray – I watch my weight and exercise regularly. I have a girlish, petite figure to maintain.Maxi cray – I’m just big boned!Who loves cray? You love cray. I’m gorgeous you say? Oh, stop…