I’m thrilled to report that I have finally broken a score of 100 in bowling.

This is a truly wondrous accomplishment! Ted is a champ bowler who regularly breaks 200+ scores and finishes games with rows of consecutive strikes and spares. He not only has his own stylin’ bowling shoes, custom fit ball, and towel to wipe the oil off the ball between frames, but also a pack of that white powdery stuff to help the ball slide off his fingers (I’m using my best technical terminology here). Essentially, bowling paid for his undergrad schooling. Count me impressed. I, on the other hand, am an excellent Wii bowler.
While I love bowling, I usually select the most neon 8 lb. ball I can manage to locate, and hobble by with a hodgepodge of gutter balls, 3 pins down, 7 pins down, a spare here and there and maybe, if I’m lucky, a lone strike. Well, on Friday night not only did I break 100 (135!) but I also finagled my way through over half a dozen strikes and by the sheer dumb luck of getting a strike when the colored pin was in the head position, I even won a free game of bowling on my next visit! You better believe I was all kinds of stoked. Ted was happy because the lanes were real wood instead of synthetic, and I was thrilled to have finally figured out my advance, swing and release to a degree that my game is actually pretty good. It helps that Groupon, LivingSocial, and the mail coupons have been running some good deals on bowling lately. And it would be awesome if Ted could find the time to join a league again this fall. Just for kicks I’d love to join a league too – the weenie’s league for female bowling armatures, more specifically.
We also took my engagement and wedding rings in to be re-dipped and polished so they’ll be in top shape for our honeymoon. White gold tends to yellow a bit over time, but when you warranty your jewelry they can be re-dipped, inspected and cleaned as often as needed. I love it when I get to do this because they come back looking phenomenal. The sparkle is utterly blinding and I love it. What I don’t like about this process is that it takes about two weeks, meaning I’m ringless. It’s nothing to complain about, but it definitely feels like something’s missing. I’ll be happy to have them back, just like new!
Last night we hit up the Drive-In theatre in Amelia again, this time for a showing of ‘Zookeeper.’ Funny movie, lovely drive-in experience. Sometimes I really feel nostalgic for a time that I’ve never even lived in. Summer just cries out for cheeseburgers, milkshakes, and a movie at the drive-in, evening’s spent bowling, days at the park swimming or roller blading or bike riding, and nights cooking out and drinking cocktails on the porch. I figure we should stock up on all the fun stuff now before fall hits and we’re slammed with bustling work schedules, a move, and God knows what else. This summer has just flown by too fast. Ted’s going to be at a lighting conference next week. I’m really excited he has the opportunity to continue going to these kind of things and I know he’ll have a great time. I, in the meanwhile, will be taking advantage of the opportunity in his absence to attack the piles of work I’ve been meaning to do all summer long. If you’d like, you are more than welcome to hop a plane and come visit :-)
What recent triumph are you most proud of?