Officially, Done and Done!

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After a long Monday morning at the DMV shelling out a few hundred smackers for new drivers licenses, titles, registrations, and license plates (which, with only one minor snafu at the tail end, was a breeze compared to what I had mentally prepared myself for, I’ll admit. So, kudos NY), followed by parting with over a thousand more bucks for oil changes, tire rotations, the required NY vehicle safety and emissions inspections (and, uh, reattaching the engine to my car, which somehow became completely unmounted over the past twelve years), a complete change over of all our various insurances, voter registration, and the many change of address forms…we are officially (poor) residents of New York state!

To celebrate we’re ordering furniture.

We know how to party.


Also, I’m pretty sure the DMV is where people who do not know how to parent go to show off their lack of parenting skills and unsupervised spawn. And there needs to be a People of the DMV website. I mean, I realize that nobody wants to hang around the DMV unless they actually have to be there, but somebody needs to get on that website immediately because the rest of us are missing out an absolute bank of hilarity, disbelief, and grand photo opportunities.  Furthermore, I have learned that growing up with the Boerne DMV, in a small Texas town, with no lines or sketchy folk and workers with friendly faces, I was spoiled silly.

Thus concludes my adventures at the DMV, hopefully for as long as I can possibly avoid it.

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