It’s my day off and I have plenty to do. There’s the library books to return and the search for new ones to borrow, things to print, forms to fill out, coupons to cut, and information to be looked up, to keep it simple. There’s also a house to dust and vacuum, laundry to be washed, and meals to be decided upon, but those can wait until the weekend. When all that’s done there’s a basement and garage to reorganize, vacations (possibly a honeymoon!) and little weekend getaways to be planned, and wedding albums to be designed and ordered. I always feel like I’m so much busier on my days off! Luckily, it’s belligerently cold outside again so I don’t have to fight the temptation to throw on shorts and a tank top and lounge on the porch with a lemonade and a good book, or take off rollerblading down the block, or shoot a few hoops like I will during the spring and summer months instead of plowing through my “this should get done eventually” list.
Before I get around to all of this though, and in lieu of the ever trendy “wedding recap” posts – which consist of D.I.Y tutorials of cutesy handmade wedding details, unending photo storyboards, and lengthy minute-by-minute descriptions of every tiny little moment that happened on w-day – that hog many all newlywed blogs for like seven weeks straight, I’d like to attempt to narrow down our nearly 1,500 wedding photos that we received from our pro photographer, family’s cameras, and disposable table cameras into my top favorites.
My blog project over the next three days will be to create a photo list with accompanying short descriptions of my Top 10 Favorite Wedding Details, my Top 22 Favorite Wedding Photos, and my Top 10 Favorite Moments from that entire weekend (10.22.10)!
This is an incredibly daunting task. A good chunk of the 900 pictures we received from our pro photographer were truly excellent, and there are some pretty amazing treasures gleamed from the disposable cameras as well. Conservatively, I probably have close to at least 350 favorite photos in about 15 different categories ranging from Details, to Getting Ready, to Ceremony, to Reception, to Portrait Shots, to Newlywed Pictures, to Rehearsal Dinner, and more! I adored so many details from our wedding since we handpicked, designed, and handmade nearly everything ourselves. I love so many of the pictures for so many reasons – some because they are outright hilarious, some because the lighting is magical or the angle is artistic, some because the emotion, whether sappy or happy, is so clearly, beautifully and prominently center stage that you just can’t help but be drawn in by it, and some because the whole image tells a great story. This is going to be a huge challenge – and I’m warning you now, if I absolutely cannot contain myself, there may be a short list of runner-ups. But I’ll try my darnedest to stick within my 10.22.10 boundaries, because I’ll eventually have to narrow them down for the wedding albums anyway.
So be sure to tune in for the next three days (Thursday, Friday and Saturday) for my anti-wedding-recap wedding-photo-recap & awards! HA!
Before I scurry off to be a productive, responsible citizen, I’ll leave you with these few gems to start us off. They don’t count for any of my top favorites as they’re not technically wedding photos, but they deserve major credit for getting the ball rolling.

Enjoy your Wednesday and check back sometime tomorrow for my Top 10 Favorite Wedding Details!