The Post In Which I Whine About Everything Grown Ups Have To Do

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Immunizations not covered by insurance are more ludicrously expensive than they have any right to be. As a side note, why would any insurance plan not cover any and all preventative immunizations? Public health fail. Also, I don’t like to pay for not fun things. I mean, I know it keeps us alive and all, but still…

Also not pleasant – physicals, blood work, peeing in a cup, x-rays, etc. Fortunately, insurance is kind enough to cover those.

Passport-sized and qualified photos for legal documents are inappropriately expensive when you need 18+ of them. Fortunately, you can also do them yourself for 1/200th of the price. DIY for the win.

Estate planning lawyers are expensive. And depressing (the content, not the lawyers). And there’s a lot of difficult, overwhelming decisions to make when you draw up a will, and durable powers of attorney, and health care proxys. Did I already say they were expensive?

The social security card office is, in fact, way more awful than a DMV.

Whhhhhhhyyyyyyy is it still, in 2014, such a freakin’ zoo of hassle for a legally married woman to take her very own maiden name as her middle name in Ohio, New York…pretty much everywhere I’ve lived since getting married? Maiden-name-as-middle-name is not uncommon, and it should totally be included as an easy option in every single state when a women changes her name because of marriage. Ugh, law making humans are the worst.

What’s wrong with my totally legal and valid birth and marriage certificate? Why does it have to be attested and authenticated by several levels of government agencies for the low price of EXPENSIVE?

Meetings with a financial advisor to hash out budgets, financial goals, investments, and insurances are helpful – and thankfully free – but make me feel like I’m a zillion years old. Who uses a financial advisor at the age of 27 when you have no finances to speak of anyway?

Figuring out specific details of tax law is, in fact, just like rocket science. It’s frustrating and feels impossible. And when I do find the answer, I’m only about 50% sure I can trust it and that I haven’t overlooked some other loophole or pertinent requirement that’s going to mess everything up.

Research. So. Much. Research. Probably missing a million things too.

This is what has been consuming my life for the past two weeks or so. You know, in addition to my actual job and other familial responsibilities. We are feeling so overwhelmed!

In other words, this is what I’m trying to do now…


But, despite how necessary and good all of the above is, this is what I’d much rather be doing…


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