Oy with the poodles already! Thursday, already?
(If you have no earthly inkling what I’m talking about there may be a lapse in your Gilmore Girls language & skills set. This is cause for serious concern and should be remedied immediately. I would strongly advise you to visit www.gilmore-ism.com or watch season 2, episode 22 to catch up at your earliest possible convenience. While you’re at it, please view all 5 seasons of Remington Steele too. You’ll be a better person for it. Also of note, you’ll have access to a vast mental database of stylish episode titles such as “In the Steele of the Night,” “Steele Your Heart Away,” and “Steeled with a Kiss” at your speedy disposal. I am the proud owner of the complete series DVD collection of these two fine shows and, together, they constructed the base of my high school and college television viewing entertainment. Scott Patterson and Pierce Brosnan are two handsome devils and you should be so lucky to be fluent in both Gilmorian and Steelish.)
Anyhow, back to Thursday. These two sweet chirpers were stationed so picturesquely, snoozing on our front porch, that I had to share them with you:
Fat and adorable. Spring’s a’comin’! I can feel it. They can feel it. It is fabulous outside and I want nothing more than to curl up with them on our porch under the sun and take a nap…now. This weather simply demands Texas BBQ, sweet tea, and Blue Bell ice cream. Last night we took a walk through a nearby neighborhood for a half hour or so before dinner and it was just perfect outside with a light sweater on. My hopes are up for this fine weather to stay a while and I fear my delicate Texas psyche will be gruesomely crushed if it snows again before November.
Perhaps because the chain of life goes something like cat > bird (yum yum), those little cuties above, whom I have absolutely no intention of dangling in front of Sancho, definitely reminded me of my dear Sancho (um, as does everything) and I realized I haven’t posted a Sancho-of-the-month picture yet. I’m well aware that you’re likely just as disappointed by this as I am. Lucky you, though! That’s about to change:

Today, unfortunately, the iPad 2 was not released as recent rumors had been hinting at. Looks like we may have to wait until April for Ted to get his hands on one. The musical Rent will be opening soon at CCM and I’m really looking forward to seeing it! Great music and I’m excited to see their interpretation of it – I’m ready to be impressed! And just in case you’ve forgotten (though I trust you haven’t), Big Bang Theory will be on tonight, so be sure to tune in! On the subject of Big Bangs, there’s supposed to be a neat solar flare tonight that might be visible via a red glow to the northern U.S., if it doesn’t knock our power, satellite communications or GPS grids, that is. We may not be far enough north, but I’ll probably take a peek outside anyway, just in case. I’ll also be attempting to make fried rice and baked crab rangoons for the first time tonight for dinner. I’d like to try making Chinese dumplings and beef with broccoli to go with the crowd-pleasing lemon chicken I make, but those can wait for another night. I won’t tempt fate with too many new entrees all at once.