What’s New Wrap-Up

{1.} Back in the saddle! I started up tap classes again last week after a multi-year absence. It was amazing. I have two friends taking class with me, the teacher is great at accommodating varying levels of experience and strict on technique so I’m confident I’ll learn a lot, and I’m so happy to be lacing up those taps again! The chorus girl in me is beyond stoked.


{2.} We submitted an application for our own little townhouse for two in Rochester for early May! Our noble goal is to not live apart for ten months ever again. Shoot for the stars! What can I say, we like to keep things interesting.

{3.} On Thursday morning I drove one of our Book Club Play actors out to SUNY Brockport for a workshop on comedic acting. Workday field trips are the greatest!

{4.} Got two treats this weekend! One I am thoroughly looking forward to enjoying as I build up my ice wine cuisine collection, and the other will have to wait until my curiosity eventually gets the better of me. I’m intrigued yet horrified. Anything that lists “cricket” as one of the top 3 ingredients is clearly suspect.

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{5.} Our craybies have gotten so big I can hardly stand it! When they were born last May they were so tiny and translucent that you could barely see them without a magnifying glass, let alone locate them in the tank amidst all that gravel four times their size. Ace and Gigi have grown into pretty magnificent little sneaks in the past 10 months, if I do say so myself. This one is Ace, our escape artist hard at work. Gigi spends his days attempting to snack on the neons in his tank. Both, clearly, are brilliant.


{6.} Tried my first White Castle burger courtesy of last week’s Meet N’ Greet for the staff, cast and crew of BOB, a new play comedy about a hilarious and inspiring everyday hero who was born in a White Castle in Louisville, KY on Valentine’s Day. White Castle, pizza bites and spicy chips = best and most unhealthy yet delicious Meet n’ Greet EVER. I love my job.


{7.} Spring is springing! It was 56 degrees on Sunday. 56!! The snow melted, the ducks were stoked, and I wore a short sleeved shirt and rejoiced because it was warm outside. Who am I!?

{8.} I learned of World Book Night US at book club this week and I cannot wait to participate next year. The premise is that to celebrate and share a love for reading across your community, 30 books are chosen by a panel of librarians and booksellers. The authors of the books waive their royalties and the publishing companies produce specially-printed editions of the books for free. You select a book from the bank of 30 and fill out a short survey to apply to be a book giver in your area. In April you receive 20 free paperback copies of the book you selected to hand out, at random, for free, to light or non-readers in your community. That’s it! You can take them to the public market, or a shelter, or a coffee shop, or a sporting event, or anywhere else you please so long as you give away the 20 copies in hopes of nurturing a love of reading among those who might not otherwise have access to, or who generally don’t for whatever reason, read books. Check it out, sign up for their newsletter, and apply to be a book giver next year here. Which of the 30 books would you choose to give away this year?


{9.} This article in Rochester’s Democrat & Chronicle features both a write up about and picture of the YP book club I am in and The Book Club Play at Geva as it discusses the book club culture in Rochester. Two world collide.  Read it here!


{10.} Found our new Vintage Drive-In Theatre in upstate New York to replace our beloved Starlite Drive-In Theatre in Ohio! And just in time too. I was beginning to wonder how on earth we were going to watch movies in the spring and summer without a drive-in. Our new drive-in boasts a country setting far from the light pollution of the city, first run double features, cheeseburgers, jalapeno poppers, funnel cakes, ice cream, an arcade, and mini-golf. YES. Crisis averted, I can stay in Rochester! My 50s loving heart is singing. I also found this sweet website that tells about all of Rochester’s old, now closed or abandoned drive-in’s of the 40s-80s. Stuff like this, I eat it up!



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