On our way to Hyde Park Pizzeria, where Erie Avenue meets Tarpis, we spotted (um, how could you miss it!?) this beast of a house and did a major double take. Wouldn’t you? Crazy house, ritzy neighborhood, pure eclectic awesomeness? Yes, please!
First thought that crossed my mind: OMG I WANT IT!!! For real. What sheer genius and architectural excellence! The shapes, colors, textures, stain glass windows, bizarre add on’s and the swirly orange staircase….totally amazing! Of course I had to go home and research it. Hyde Park locals have nicknamed it the “mushroom house.” It was designed by an organic architecture professor at the University of Cincinnati and apparently part of his students’ grade for many years was to design some element of the house. Can I just say again…how cool is that!? Flicker has a bunch of really stellar shots of the house. Please go here to view them (to the right of the main picture on the webpage you can see click to see 3 more photos of the house) and read the comments below for some insightful information about the ownership, design and sale of the house. You’ll be sorry you missed it if you don’t click that link, I’m warning you!
I LOVE discovering new, cool things like this in Cincinnati! Every day I like this city more and more….