Oh, Sweet Bliss!

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Yesterday my amazing husband, with a bad back ache might I add, got the truck towed to the repair shop and chauffeured me to and from work with our one working vehicle, hung a shelf above the island in our dining room (thus officially completing our final check off the moving in to-do list!), took the tools and Christmas decoration storage boxes back to our storage unit, took the recycle to the recycling station, and touched up all the scratches and dings on the walls with paint while I was at work. Like I said, amazing. It was such a sweet surprise to come home to all that, unexpectedly, done! Looks like I can finally post a photo tour of our new home…coming soon!

Today I, shockingly, have a blessed and rare full day off! I almost don’t know what to do with myself! Oh, wait. Yes, I do. Sleep in, church, leisurely breakfast of pastries at Panera, and then spend the entire rest of the day snoozing like a cat on the cozy green rug beneath the sunlight in the living room, watching football, munching wings and beer, playing scrabble, drinking christmas tea, and maybe wrapping a present or two and playing boggle on the wii if I can bring myself to sit up. Yes, I suppose I know exactly how to spend my day off.


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