6 Weeks Later

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I’m back!

It’s pretty remarkable how quickly 6 weeks can come and go. It seems like it’s been only a few days ago when I excitedly drove beneath the “Welcome to Michigan” state marker for the first time in two years and first peeked into my rustic cabin and promptly decided that I definitely was not going to survive 6 weeks alone in that cabin.

Well, I not only survived, but I thrived and had a wonderful time. For the first time in many years this summer actually felt like a true blue summer. You know, the summers of your childhood or the summers you always imagined would stick around forever – fireflies, sandy beaches, waves, ice cream cones, sprinklers, gorgeous sunsets over peaceful lakes, the scent of sunscreen and bugspray, walking to your friend’s house (well, cabin) totally unannounced to see if they can hang out, cookouts, swimming, campfires, s’mores, fireworks, naps, good books, making new friends, hikes through the woods, laughter so hard and frequent that you can hardly breathe, ice cream pie, long scenic shore-side drives, bike rides through the dunes, blankets on the grass, ice cold brews, drive-in movies, long hot days that stay light until 10 p.m. and short cool nights, the occasional big mid-summer thunderstorm, camping, a great job that doesn’t even feel like a job because you’re surrounded by music and Shakespeare and opera and dance and adults and kids with a deep and lasting love for the arts, camp songs and sing-alongs, talent shows, concerts, performances…it was the summer I’d been hoping for for years. A summer whose very existence I was beginning to question because surely those kind of magical summers are real to and exist only for children. I’m relieved to know that they exist for adults too. And they’re worth the wait.

But one 7.5 drive with a new camp friend along for the ride, beautiful ‘welcome home’ flowers from Ted, one great ‘car-and-everything-I-own’ sand-purging party, and four epic loads of laundry later, I am home. Back to Cincinnati, back to Ted, back to the crays, and back to our happy life together. For a short time. More on that later.

As I mentioned, a new camp faculty friend, who also lives in Cincy, accompanied me on the drive home and made the trip go by so much more quickly as we girl-talked through all of Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio. When I arrived home I was greeted with a huge hug, a vase of gorgeous flowers, ice cream, a beer, and my slippers ready and waiting – best. husband. ever. The next day I slept in for the first time in 6 weeks, was treated to a fantastic ‘welcome home’ Mexican dinner complete with a strong and tasty sangria margarita, and a night on an actual couch (real furniture!), with actual carpet (no more concrete floors!), and Hotel Hell, Hell’s Kitchen, and Master Chef on TV (GASP!). Surprisingly, I didn’t really miss these luxuries at all while I was at camp…though it was kind of fun to have them all back for one relaxing evening!

And, of course, while I was away our babies grew. The craybies have grown into full-blown porkchops. They’re hardly recognizable from the tiny little translucent specs they used to be. They’re looking more and more like sweet Mav every day.



Ace is a girl and Gigi is a boy. Gigi is short for Gentle Giant, who was named before A) we knew that she was actually a he, and B) before he not-so-gently ripped a claw, leg, and two antennas off of poor Ace, prompting us to buy another tank with all the fixings so they can both live peacefully and separately, in our loving care. I apparently hadn’t gotten around to teaching the “it’s rude to eat your sister” lesson before I left for camp…craybie steps. Ace’s body parts will regenerate and in addition to being HUGE, they both appear to be happy and healthy. So we’re officially and happily a family of four.

Lots more updates to come later, so stay tuned!

How has your summer been so far? You’ve got two weeks left, get out there and enjoy it!

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