Incompetence. Incompetence is always an epic fail. You’d think public institutions would have basic customer service down to a science by now. Not so my friends. I was in quite the corundum and couldn’t decide what to use for my weekly epic fail because this week I was presented with a multitude of worthy contenders. So I decided to implement the runner-up award! The first honorable mention goes to the Milwaukee Airport for their completely asinine security checkpoint line that started out as three different lines then all merged together to form the biggest rat’s nest of early Friday morning airport security checkpoint fail I’ve witnessed in a long time. For the record, checkpoint lines should not merge. It pisses people off.
The second honorable mention of the week goes to this picture:
Notice anything funny about this? I didn’t either until Ted asked, “So, how do you get into the garage?” Good question. That taupe garage door looking thing toward the right of the condo appears to be, well, a garage door…with shrubbery squarely blocking the entrance from the driveway that doesn’t exist. Are we just missing something? I suppose it’s entirely possible that that thing isn’t a garage. But, to us at least, that really looks strikingly similar to all the garages I’ve seen in the past, I don’t know, 24 years. Upon closer inspection I guess it is kind of small and narrow for a larger vehicle like a truck or SUV, but if that’s a dog door then someone has bigger fish to fry than an over-sized car. So it begs the question, what is that and how do you access it? Is this an epic fail for us not recognizing what the heck that is, or an epic fail because that’s actually an inaccessible garage door clearly advertised on a for-rent condo? Can anyone enlighten us?
(As you can probably tell, we’re slowly starting to slink our way into browsing for a new place to call home next year. It feels like we’re cheating on our house. A house that we love. And while it’s exciting, it also kind of sucks and feels hurtful – a lot like how, I imagine, cheating feels.)
And finally, the Epic Fail Friday award of the week goes to my all-time favorite airplane boredom buster – SkyMall Magazine! I’ve never understood the urge to, of all things, shop while thousands of feet in the air. I know there’s not a whole lot to do up there, but spending even more money than I’ve already spent isn’t high on my list of priorities. But I do appreciate a good browse through SkyMall every now and then, mainly to check out what unnecessary newfangled contraptions they’ve come up with since the last time I flew. Furthermore, do you just have money pouring out of your eye sockets? Sure, SkyMall offers the occasional nifty gadget or gift that’s useful or neat. But do you really need that $115 garden statue of BigFoot that hangs from your tree, a $300 robotic litter box for your cat, a $75 magic LED-color-changing shower head, a $100 butler toilet paper holder, a home soda maker for $250+, or a boot dryer for $25? No, I reckon you don’t. If you simply must spend money while on your brief jaunt miles above the Earth, you can write me a check.