The Texas 5k

Would you like to know the difference between a 5k walk/run in Texas and a 5k nearly anywhere else in the nation? I hope you’re ready for a staggering handful of generalizations, because this post has got ’em! In Cincinnati at the 5k’s we’ve participated in each runner’s pace was timed down to the second with an electronic runner’s chip fastened securely to your shoelace, you were given a number to attach to your clothing that was used for identification and to check up on your running stats and rank online post-race, participants stretched and warmed-up beforehand, the races had a strict start time signaled with a gun shot, a specific start line and finish line were established, a detailed course was charted and marked with traffic cones, signs and police officers, and goody bags contained coupons for running shoes and sports bras as well as granola bars and future 5k literature.

In the Texas Hill Country, the 5k is a casual and enjoyable experience, so much so in fact that you just may forget that you are indeed exercising and running/walking a race. It may be held on a ranch with an old wild west town setup for you to explore, where you take a covered-wagon safari ride through the hills then meander through your 5k at a leisurely, un-timed pace traipsing across meadows riddled with cow patties and cactus you must trudge carefully to avoid. Mile markers are approximate at best. You may begin your walk at any time you choose, and the start and finish lines are assumed. On your journey you may wander past alpacas, wallaby, pot-bellied pigs, llamas, deer, reindeer, longhorns, wild turkey, goats, hens, antelope, cattle, horses, zebra, water buffalo, yaks, and black catfish – all of which we saw. Upon opening your race-day goody bag you may pull out a brochure with full color, detailed, enlarged and squirm-inducing photos of poisonous spiders and venomous snakes and information on how to treat their bites. This pamphlet provides extreme comfort and reassurance as you head off on your 5k, ready to leap at the sight of the slightest crawl or slither.

But I don’t want to give the impression that this 5k is, in any way, inferior. It was a blast! A lovely experience choc full of personality and a 5k that suits the style of the Texas Hill County to a T. That’s not to say that all Texas 5k’s are as this one was. Like any other state in the union, I’m sure Texas produces some serious runners who are after an intense marathon experience, and Texas provides it. Anyhow, it was a great time and this particular organization may have one of the best 5k’s around! I hope it raised awareness and money for a truly wonderful organization – Hill County Mission for Health.

I think these pictures really capture the beauty and excitement of good times in the Hill Country. Enjoy! (And, as always, click to enlarge)

The wild, wild west! Complete with jail, saloon, chapel, cemetery, Indian village, general store, covered wagons, and lots of critters!
The elusive Indian Village nestled beneath the shady oaks
Home sweet home on the range!
In general, a good rule of thumb
Classic Texas decor
The cactus - Texas' plant of choice.
A down home checker board. This may be in the works in our future Texas ranch home because its rustic charm is simply awesome. Don't tell my husband about this future Texas ranch home.
This is how folks in Texas have fun. Sure a night out in the big city with our pals in our fancy duds is grand, but THIS is where the real fun is at! Having your friends arrested and thrown in jail? It's what friends do.
Mom and dad with handsome hunk Woodrow (yes, he's real and alive)
A covered wagon ride during the 5k? Sure, why not?
I love me some gorgeous Texas Hill Country views!
All living together in peace & harmony. Take note humans.
Shaggy llama at its finest. And I know how to pose. Eat your heart out adoring fans.
See my long, fluttering alpaca eyelashes? Am I adorable? I am. Oh, stop! No, really. Keep going. I am gorgeous.
Hand fed treats and resting under the shade of old trees by the stream? This is the life!
Where the deer and the antelope play. Those antelope are fast little sprouts!
Nobody ever believes me when I say that there are zebras in Texas. Here is your proof naysayers!
I am a proud new reindeer parent to a two-week old baby reindeer. And I'm very friendly!
My mommy & me. This porch swing will also grace our Texas ranch home.
Perhaps Woodrow will join us too :-)

So, if you’re looking for a stellar 5k or just a memorable Saturday morning, be sure to check out Texas! I’ve shared the food and the wild west. Up next is girls night out and the cat in my life!

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