The Art of Vegging

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Happy 1-1-11!

We’ve been utter couch potatoes in the truest sense of the word, and that in itself is quite an accomplishment. It’s nearly 5 p.m. and we’re all still firmly snuggled in our pj’s and haven’t even considered a shower. So far in this new year we’ve played hours worth of some of the longest Wii games ever created (one round of The Game of Life on Wii is a full-day, trophy worthy event), consumed grasshoppers, chips, and mochas, watched fluffy animal movies (Furry Vengeance or Marmaduke, anyone? On a side note, talking animal movies have vastly improved in style and hilarity since my childhood days), and our only form of exercise has been tickle wars, finger push-ups on the wiimotes, and the occasional bathroom break. Kate and Ted spent yesterday afternoon feverishly constructing and playing with the kids Thomas the Train railroad sets while Caleb and Alexis were napping – thankfully some things never change! Age is just a number, after all. Right now we’re smack in the middle of cheering on the WI Badgers in the Rose Bowl and playing board games. Later we’ll dine on steaks and possibly a Culver’s shake (another weakness!). Extremely lazy and embarrassingly unhealthy? Guilty. A rare New Years treat? Absolutely. It’s not everyday that we allow ourselves to do nothing but wallow in our own filth, discard our obligations and to-do-lists, and turn our brains on standby. Before we hit the ground running to outdo ourselves with our lofty new years intentions of proper exercise, a well-balanced diet, fulfilling career path, or respectable, smart life decisions, I don’t think anyone should be ashamed to take just one day first completely veg and actually celebrate the new year with mindless, enjoyable activities.

On the off chance that you’ve been a functioning, responsible member of the human population today and somehow neglected to do something fun, or even mildly amusing in celebration, here are my top picks for your evening:

Red Box Rental:  Furry Vengeance (a family friendly flick, but be sure you’re wide awake for the Yum Yum scene – and make sure you don’t have any food or drink in your mouth when it comes around or else you’ll have some cleaning up to do)

Wii Game:  Wii Party (comes with a game and a remote! Billions of strange, quirky, random, and funny group games to choose from – you absolutely cannot go wrong with this one for a party or even for an duo)

Card game:  Crazy 8’s (a childhood favorite and a classic!)

Food:  Spinach artichoke anything!


Happy New Year’s Day! I hope your day was as enjoyable as ours was!


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