Adjusting the Norm

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I’m a creature of habit. And since today is Monday, I do Monday things like laundry, washing sheets and towels, dusting, vacuuming, grocery shopping, and other mundane tasks. For as much as sit around wishing the perfect job would magically plop into my lap (btw, I’m only sort of kidding. I do my share of searching and applications, but sadly the perfect opportunity has yet to just appear and present itself to me), I wonder how I’m going to continue to cook dinners from scratch every day, grocery shop, keep the house clean, knock out big home improvement projects, blog, have a social life with my friends (yeah, when I make them that is), do theatre and dance stuff again, and spend time with my husband when I have a full-time job. The answer is fairly simple. It just plain won’t be like it is now. I’ll have to fix quick shortcut meals, grocery shopping will be done one evening after work or on the weekend, the house won’t be as clean as often as it is now, we’ll spend set weekends focused on one home project at a time, I’ll write shorter blogs less frequently, and my weekend and evenings time with Ted will be spent doing chores and other stuff together that we need to get done instead of loafing around and hanging out. In other words, we’ll be just like any other working family in America. And let’s be honest, that kind of sucks a little. It’s definitely not deterring me from finding a job, but I have to admit that it’s nice to be able to get all this adult stuff done on a weekday instead of giving up our free time together on the weekend. And I am going to miss that a little bit when I’m back in the world of employment. But we’ll adjust, like we always do. You take the bad with the good in every situation.

Awhile back I promised that more insightful posts would be on their way….and they are soon. I promise. Just not today.

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