A Few Thoughts For Your Hump Day

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1. There’s nothing quite like the overwhelming scent of decaying rat wafting through your nose and assaulting your senses to make you move from point A to point B just a little bit faster. What is it about theatre basements and rats? Definitely my least favorite part of working in the theatre. Every day a little death.

2. My new favorite beverage to indulge in at the CCM Starbucks where I read/write/do work while I wait for Ted to be finished with work twice a week is the CCM Special – hot steamed apple cider with a mint tea bag. Sounds weird but it’s tasty and totally refreshing. Apparently all the MT (musical theatre) majors get it and claim it does wonders for their vocal cords. I don’t know about that, but it sure is delicious.

3. Haagan Daz Five is my new favorite carton ice cream in existence (other than their special edition chai latte which is fab). It’s all natural and has only five simple ingredients in it, which makes for the smoothest, creamiest, purist, most flavorful ice cream in grocery stores. It’s so rich that after five spoonfuls I’m done for the night. Plus it has less fat and calories than most ice creams, which makes me feel better. I’m also all over a fantastic broccoli pasta recipe lately that is healthy and super good too. All it is is lots of freshly boiled broccoli, whole wheat spiral pasta, extra virgin olive oil, garlic, red pepper flakes, freshly grated parmesan cheese, and a shake of salt and pepper. It’s way better than it sounds. Google Annie’s Eats Spicy Broccoli Pasta.

4. Last night was filled with our first snowfall of the year (a few flurries), the making of another fresh batch of homemade applesauce, and cuddling on the couch with some mindless TV. Excellence.

5. I’ve been in denial lately. But as my hands turned blue and wind-burned from a simple walk from parking garage to building today, I think I can no longer deny that it is now winter. I have yet to wear my sweet new winter coat, a scarf, gloves, winter boots, or cozy sweaters even though it is cold out, or to put up even one Christmas decoration or listen to Christmas music on my own accord because I cannot accept that it is winter already. I cannot accept that it is almost December. I cannot accept that fall is gone and Thanksgiving has passed and that it is already time for me to wear thermal underwear under my jeans. But damn, it’s cold out! And so out comes my winter coat and gloves and scarf and boots.

What are your thoughts for this hump day?

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