A Little Holiday Cheer

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Today is December 1 and in my book that means it is officially the Christmas season! Bring on the Christmas carols, pine trees, velvety red bows and the icicle lights. Dig out the holiday movies, bake up some sugar kiss cookies and hot chocolate, start sending holiday cards, and let it snow (except not on my Buick). Now that it’s no longer November (or, you know, July – ’cause that’s when the holiday begins in America apparently) maybe I won’t be such a Grinch about hearing “All I Want for Christmas” joyfully ringing through every. single. store. I step foot into.

Speaking of December, I’d like to congratulate the snow on its impeccable timing for conveniently showing up exactly on December 1st. It has been non-stop snow flurries swirling in the sky since I woke up this morning. Nothing has accumulated on the ground really, so for now it’s just very pretty. And very cold. Dear friends: Please send warm clothing. Socks, long underwear, mittens, coats – anything will do. Thanks.

In other news I now have in my possession an Ohio title, vehicle registration, license plates, and driver’s license. But not without a battle. Here’s how it goes, folks…

Step one: Ace your insultingly easy driver’s test by correctly identifying and stating the meaning of a stop sign – multiple choice answer format.

Step two: Drive across town to another office. Get lost in the boonies for a while and curse google maps. Arrive at destination and have old lady puffing on a cigarette glance at the make and model of your vehicle and call it an “inspection.” It passed.

Step three: Pay an asinine amount of money for state title conversion, new registration and two highly colorful license plates – the circus would be jealous.

Step four: Drive back to location #1. Stand in line, expertly prepared with your old license, birth certificate, SS card, marriage certificate and proof of residency so you can obtain your new license. Upon stating that you have a new middle and last name for your license, be told that you’re not allowed to change your middle name to your maiden name anymore without a formal application process, newspaper advertisement, and court hearing after you’ve lived in Ohio for at least a year. Question why the donkey working at the Social Security Administration last week issued you a new middle name on your new SS card without so much as requesting to see proof of legal name change. (Side note: I thought changing it at the SS Administration office was the name change process. That’s the process for changing your last name after marriage. So why would this be any different? How are you supposed to know these things if nobody tells you!? It’s not like I change my name often, people and would simply know better). Suck it up and get a license with your old middle initial on it. Contemplate how some things should really be much easier than they are. Sulk about it and decide the Ohio license is tacky because it’s pink and then go out for Chinese dinner with your husband and watch Polar Express until you feel less angry about all the time and effort it’s going to take you to change all your documents back to your real middle name until you can start the legal name change process in one year.

So, rather than dwelling on that nonsense, I’d like to take this cold, snowy Wednesday to make a list of things I love today:

1. Mangoes and blackberries.

2. Our big, cushy bed.

3. Footed pajamas for adults. Yes, I own a pair. They’re red and white and make me look like Santa Claus. They are fantastic. Buy some here – http://www.footedpajamas.com/Adult-Fleece-Footed-Pjs-s/101.htm

4. Holiday ice creams like Peppermint Stick and Moose Tracks. There may or may not be some sitting in our freezer right now.

5. Weird bathrooms of the world.

The porta-potty (but not inside) looking bathrooms at Jungle Jim's
It's only a painted floor but it sure looks real (enlarge the image).
How about this public restroom in Houston, TX? It's a one-way mirror so you can see everyone else, but on the outside they only see a mirror reflecting themselves.














And finally, two December 1st wishes:

1. I wish that our wedding pro pics will make their appearance soon. We’re at the 5 of 6 weeks mark and I’m starting to get antsy.

2. I wish that Ted had stayed home from work today so we could have driven to a fresh Christmas tree farm in the northern Kentucky countryside, cut down our tree in the snow flurries, drank hot cocoa, and then gone ice skating outside at Fountain Square in downtown Cincy. *Sigh* It’s a great dream anyway. Another day.

Have a great December 1!


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