It’s my birthday!

It’s my birthday!

Last Wednesday, on a rare weekday off, Ted took me for an early celebratory birthday brunch at one of my favorite little eateries in Pittsford, the Village Bakery & Cafe. We sat outside on a lovely morning, drank dry rhubarb soda, and ate to-die-for chocolate croissants, and sandwiches of house-made rolls, whisked and poached egg, Gruyère cheese, fresh pico, bacon, sausage, and avocado. Really relaxing. Really delicious. Really luxurious (for our tiny budget and, really, anything fun or relaxing done on a Wednesday morning is, in essence, luxurious).

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For another early birthday celebration, I met my good friend Kristen for gourmet cupcakes at Sugar Mountain Bake Shoppe to jointly celebrate our birthdays (her’s was on the 17th). So we swapped cards and bought each other Samoa and S’mores cupcakes to go with some much needed girl talk. The cupcakes and the company were both divine.

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Ted’s birthday was yesterday (happy birthday dude!) and since our birthdays are only one day apart, we usually do something fun to celebrate our birthdays together, and I have one more birthday celebration tonight with my friends while Ted is at rehearsal. I am so blessed to have such an awesome husband, such great family, such a fun job doing what I always wanted to do, and to have made such wonderful friends here in Rochester.

I am incredibly thankful for 26 beautiful years so far and I’m looking forward whole-heartedly to the 27th.

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