A Newlywed Christmas

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Today we are celebrating our first Christmas together before we head home for the holidays….and our two-month anniversary!

We’ve been married two months today…wow! But with all that we’ve accomplished since the wedding with a move to a new state, a new home, unpacking, adjusting, new jobs, etc., it feels like we’ve been married much longer! I can hardly believe that only two months ago we were in beautiful Door County, one of our most favorite places, beneath the bluest sky and most vibrantly colored trees, promising our lives to one another in a church we drove by two years ago and said “hey, let’s get married there one day!” surrounded by so many people who traveled so far to celebrate with us. We had a gorgeous sunset, delicious food, a 9-piece swing band, cozy bonfire, flavorful wines and dancing galore. I think we both wish we could go back to that weekend, though we’ve decided to try to make it up to Door County for at least a weekend on every anniversary. I love our house, I like Cincinnati, we have so much love and support from our family and friends, and I have a wonderful, funny, loving husband. In that I find all I’ll ever need. He is the best Christmas present ever.

Merry Christmas indeed!

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