A Whirlwind Weekend: Part III

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If you missed Parts I & II, scroll down for the full scoop on our perfect Saturday!

Sunday morning I awake dark and early – like 3 a.m. early – a time I practically had to program into my alarm clock because even the clock wasn’t certain such a heinous time existed…it took some convincing. I drove to the Dayton airport, flew to New York, spent a lovely day, flew back to Dayton, and drove back home to Cincy, arriving just after 11 p.m. Then I downed a bowl of mint chocolate chip ice cream with Ted, as a reward for my sleeplessness and perseverance. More details later, maybe.

Monday morning, despite the development of a nasty cold that would plague me for the next 6 days (thanks camp), was heavenly.

I. Slept. In.

In a real bed, with real covers, and real mattress.

Past 3 a.m.!

Past 7 a.m. even!


When I finally awoke, surprisingly um-traumatized, despite the lack of sleep and excessive travel, I immediately dashed to the window to check on the cherry tomato plant I have patiently and lovingly growing from scratch since early spring. It sprouted and ripened four whole cherry tomatoes while I was away at camp – the fruitful extent of its crop. Three of the four were ready so I excitedly gobbled down two – so sweet! So flavorful! Truly, nothing beats the flavor or pride of home-grown tomatoes.

We met Ted’s parents for breakfast at our favorite breakfast spot in Cincy – The Original Pancake House. That too was heavenly! Buttery apple crepes and the thickest, crispiest sugar-cured bacon you imagine are a fabulous way to start a relaxing day off!

We then proceeded to a place I have been longing and pleading and begging and whining to go since we moved to Cincinnati. A place where the exotic comes to life. A place where dreams come true.

The Aquarium.

Exotic fish!? YES.

I have an unnatural love for any and all animals, and this was a long time coming. I was beyond psyched.

I can hardly believe that such beautiful creatures exist in our world. Isn’t it incredible?

(Ted likes sea horses the best)

(Albino Mav’s!!!)

After the aquarium, we all dined on the planet’s tastiest salads and freshest pizzas at Dewey’s in Oakley – one of our top three favorite pizza joints in Cincinnati. I was totally ready for some excellent eats after the decent yet not entirely thrilling or always fresh n’ healthy fare I’ve been subsisting on at the faculty dining hall at camp. I’m literally counting down the days til the return of Dewey’s Harvest Salad in September. Yeah, it’s that good.

Monday night my cold starting sinking in big time, so I napped for a few hours in the evening, awoke just in time to enjoy an episode of Master Chef with Ted and Mom&Dad2, and re-enter the mundane world of laundry and packing for another four weeks in the wilderness.

But I gotta say, what a wonderful weekend and a great break!

How was your weekend?

I promise I’ll attempt to nip my bloggy negligence in the bud over the next few weeks. More camp and life updates to come…stay tuned!

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