Ode to Friday

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There is a white rooster who frequents the camper side of camp.

His name is Friday.

For lunch on middle Friday the campers are served a “chicken patty” made of…????

No one is entirely sure. Processed meat, chicken, liver, beef, sheep, cod…rooster?

Poor Friday.

Friday has been, quite contentedly, pecking around camp for three middle Fridays this summer thus far and hasn’t found his way into a single “chicken patty” yet, so we’ll take this as an encouraging sign that Friday is not, in fact, doomed, but will have a long, happy life ahead of him.

He suffers from no shortage of attention or lack of food, that’s for sure.

I have been desperate to catch a glimpse of Friday since Day 1. Desperate. Ask Ted just how many times I have alluded to my epic searches in the wilderness for this rooster since I’ve been at camp.

Since he tends to frequent the girl’s side of camp and not faculty village, he remained elusive for nearly three weeks.

That sneak.

But lo and behold on middle Sunday morning he was up, bright and early, crowing away right smack outside the theatre building.


So I got my long-awaited, up-close-and-personal peek at beautiful Friday – who is pretty swell as far as roosters go – whilst walking my class to the Rose for some Renaissance-style choreography learnin’.

Totally worth the wait.

Onto the good stuff…

During session 2 a group of high school girls in one of my morning acting sections were behaving a little…squirrely.

After about fifteen minutes of general WTFness I finally inquired a friendly, “alright ladies, what’s up this morning?,” determined to get to the bottom of their unusual behavior.

Apparently, Friday parked himself beneath the foundation of one of the girls’ cabins and crowed his little lungs out from 6 a.m. until breakfast that morning.

Obviously, I like Friday.

I have already requested that Ted begin construction on a coop out back immediately.

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