All Over the Place

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So, I think I’m obviously a little late on this one, but when I left work it was snowing out (it HAD to snow November 30th…couldn’t have waited 7 hours until December 1?) and I wanted nothing to do with thick wet snowflakes or blowing snow on dark, slick roads or blistering winds, so I picked up New Year’s Eve at the RedBox, made some spaghetti and meatballs, poured some wine, and settled in for a cozy, relaxing evening TV-side.



And, you know, despite the fact that I’m about a year late because it’s nearing New Years Eve 2013, I kind of hate Lea Michele and Sarah Jessica Parker, and it’s a total clone of the movie Love Actually, it wasn’t too bad. Dare I say, enjoyable? I laughed, I teared up, and it filled me with “feel-good hope.” And now I really want to create my own resolutions list and celebrate a NYE in NYC! Even though our typical New Years Eve festivities include staying home, pajamas, pizza, movies, grasshopper shakes, and Wii games….couldn’t we get all gussied up, pop some champagne, deal with 5 billion crazy people, and do NYC, the Radio City Rockettes, horse-drawn carriage rides, and the grand ball drop NYE thing just once? I sure hope so! :)

In other random news –

A) Season planning for 2013-2014 is well underway and I have been reading new script after new script after new script, discussing them with fellow coworkers upon the conclusion of each one, and loving it. Best job perk ever.

B) There is a serious lack of information about the health of blue crayfish on the WWW, and it sucks! Because every time something unusual or concerning or even just different happened with our Mav or happens now with Ace and Gigi and I look it up, I hit instant brick walls. There needs to be more blue crayfish experts out there and damn it, they need to post their info online! The lack of information is infuriating. This must be something like how people feel when a loved one has a disease that the world seems to know very little about. You want to help, but how when nobody can tell you what it is, much less how to help?

C) Life of Pi – go see it. In 3D. DO IT. Ted and I did this week. Awesome flick. Awesome date night. Stunningly beautiful.

D) I was reading some blog recently that mentioned this organization. So I checked it out. Be prepared for your heart to break in two. Ted and I don’t think we even want kids, but I seriously meant to only take a quick look around to learn more about the organization, but instead spent hours on this website looking at these children, and I could not look away and I cannot handle the thought of these sweet kids, orphans, spending the rest of their lives confined to a crib or bedridden in an adult mental institution, receiving no love and minimal human interaction for the rest of their lives, just because they have downs syndrome or are HIV + or have minor developmental delay or a heart defect or a facial deformity (some of these things are perfectly treatable conditions even!), just because they weren’t adopted by their forever family in a timely manner. There are SO many of them. So many beautiful babies and kids, full of life, that just need a family to love them, and here we are in America, parents continually popping out kid after kid after kid until they have huge families of 5+ kids, when there are already thousands of kids, alive, most available for immediate adoption by older parents, single moms, and large families, who will be transferred to these facilities if nobody adopts them. If sure I’ll catch a lot of slack from a lot of people for thinking or even saying this, but I can’t imagine intentionally bringing another child into this world knowing that there are already children out there just like these little boys and girls who need a family and deserve a family. It feels selfish. They deserve to be loved and given a chance at life instead of spending their days alone and bedridden for the next 50 years while more and more healthy babies are popped out into loving, able homes. Feel free to disagree, this is only my opinion and we are all entitled to our own opinions, but I wish I could help every one of these children. I can only hope that anyone who is remotely interested in starting a family finds out about Reece’s Rainbow.

So, how was all that for random and all over the place?

Happy Saturday!

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