Back At It

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A few days before we left for Wisconsin our neighbor invited bulldozers and a small crew of workmen to dig up her backyard. We were curious and monitored the mysterious object’s daily progress – but not too closely because that would make us nosy neighbors and busybodies and besides all that, we have far more pressing matters to attend to than our neighbor’s property. Having ruled out an irrigation system and animal enclosure and knowing that whatever it was would probably be completed upon our eventual return, Ted and I placed a bet. He thought it would be a windmill, while I went with a solar panel. I’m sure you’re relieved to know that the results are in! As we drove down our driveway last night, we spotted a gleaming solar panel decorating her backyard. Genius! Even though the addition of a solar panel to our home is completely out of the realm of possibility since a) we didn’t win the lottery and b) we don’t own the house and who wants to spend mega bucks vastly improving a house you don’t own, I’d be curious to know how much one costs. If we ever build it would be awesome to go with geothermal or solar energy.

Today we are playing catch up. Though my to-do list is miles long, I know most of it is not time restrictive, so instead of stressing over the daunting task of completing everything on it ASAP, I’m just getting it done over the next few months as I can get it done. Upon return from any vacation, there’s always the immediates – grocery shopping and laundry. I figure that, plus organizing my priorities for the remainder of the week and making dinner will account for a good chunk of my day. Ted is back to work and probably catching up on a million emails and preparing for the busy quarter ahead. He’s also feeling under the weather (probably a cold, which is a real bummer) so I think we’ll take it easy this week. The weather is sunny and warmish (compared to Wisconsin that is) and there’s zero snow on the ground – I love it!

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