Back in Business

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Today is most definitely 1/26/2011, and unlike that time a few weeks ago when I told our neighbor that my name was Lara Maiden Name (Umm, oops. So I forgot, okay?), I am quite confident that I will always remember that my name is now Lara Married Name. On this fine Wednesday, 1/26/2011, I finally (after a nearly 3.5 month absence due to marriage and relocation) re-entered the workforce. It’s a pretty basic position, but it’s income and it’s somewhere fun to start. I am, however, happy to be employed at a company that I’m confident I’ll like because it’s a fun place and boasts a few of the key criteria that I considered very important in my job search – involvement in Cincy’s arts, culture, and educational realm, the option for advancement, networking opportunities, and um, I sometimes get to read books on the job (yeessss!). There’s also some sweet perks included, like a free premium season membership for Ted & I and, apparently, the occasional free Graeter’s ice cream coupons (you know that perked my ears right up!). Since it was the stereotypical first day of anything, a majority of my time was spent touring and filling out a crazy pile of paperwork – every single page of which required me to sign my name and notate the date. Hence, I will never forget my name or this date ever again. It was kind of awesome this morning to carpool with Ted to work, drop him off at CCM, drive to my job for the day, and then drive back to CCM (after getting lost downtown for a full hour. FAIL.) and chill out at the Starbucks in his building reading a book and sipping a latte until his work day is over and we could leave work together. What an ideal system! And if I can avoid getting horribly lost in the future, I think I’ll like it.

Tonight we’re relaxing, watching terrible American Idol auditions, munching on pizza and trying to figure out what the heck I’ve been eating lately that is making me so sick at night that I wake up an hour and a half after I’ve gone to bed and then barf up my vitals (TMI? Sorry.) Our best guesses right now are the pie, milk, or strawberries – all of which I had both times. But, any which way, it sucks a lot and I’m ready for it to stop any. time. now., especially since I’m terrified to eat anything anymore. So that’s that. Have a happy Thursday.

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