Cruisin’ through Cleveland

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This weekend we took a short road trip to the Cleveland area to celebrate Marcus’ high school graduation party! We helped set up and decorate for the shindig with the rest of the family, hit up the nearest beloved Sonic with the star of the weekend for a coney and round of slushies (this is only exciting to people who do not live within 300 miles of a Sonic), spent some quality time with Ted’s sister, dad, uncles, and cousins, enjoyed a fantastic backyard party with lots of excellent food, drinks, conversation, and cornhole, snoozed (sleepover-style) in big, plush, soft, cozy hotel beds that you luxuriously sink into and never want to crawl out of, and had a family/neighborhood speed mass officiated by Fr. Bob in the backyard, under the breezy tent, on Sunday morning – followed by a breakfast of leftover fried chicken, pizza, and cookies (breakfast of champions!). Because fireflies frequent this area of the country I also got to spend the evening catching fireflies to my heart’s delight, which brought me so much joy! And, because I’m a loon, I also brought back to Rochester six quarts of phenomenal hot and sour soup from a local hole-in-the-wall Chinese restaurant that we discovered in Mentor and fell in love with on our last trip there in the fall. When you order the soup, that’s when they start chopping the veggies and tofu and searing the beef and eggs…they make each order fresh by the potful. And it’s incredible. I am the only person I know who drives 4 and a half hours to Cleveland and comes back with a dozen meals worth of hot and sour soup. I intend to freeze it all and be one happy camper during the long winter months.

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I know there were a ton more pictures taken that, you know, actually feature the honored graduate, the party, the rest of the family, and the weekend’s other festivities, but this is what I’ve got for now! :)

Hope you had a lovely weekend too.

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