Epic Fail Friday – The Blah Edition

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Surprisingly, not much has happened this week worthy of an Epic Fail Friday post. Sad, I know. With the exception of my annual eye exam (which is always a humiliating epic fail) I haven’t made a blundering fool of myself yet. This week has been pretty tame as far as a standard week goes.

I do have a preponderance of work-related epic fails (preponderance I tell you!), as to be expected when working with the lunacy and ignorance that is the general public. Not to mention it is raging hot outside, so this apparently gives people license to act especially stupid or do ridiculous things like complain about free stuff. To anyone who does not work where I work, the erratic behavior we deal with daily isn’t quite as asinine. I could regale you with tale upon tale of all the crap I’ve dealt with this week, but you’d probably get nothing more out of it than an amazed snicker, eye roll, and audible sigh at people’s lack of ability to read or behave like a respectable human being. I could tell you about the fortune cookie from last week that was so stale that I could roll and unroll it like dough. While that’s a definite fail, it’s not very amusing. I’m planning to go bowling by myself on a Friday night, which could be an epic fail because it would be a bunch of beer-guzzling, chain-smoking old dudes…and me…thought I just might stay for cosmic bowling because black light bowling is amazing. I could tell you about my friend Sara’s personal essay questions for the GRE, which were apparently an epic fail (along with her deodorant today, she says). Or there’s the epic fail of the slightly worn out (I read) ship that’s going to dry dock to be completely renovated about two weeks after we disembark her. Sadly, none of this is particularly interesting or epic failing enough to take up an entire blog post. If you have anything wonderful to share, please feel free to post it in comments below to spice up this lackluster blog! Today’s post is all about teamwork. So, as my favorite sign in Cincinnati says “hop right to it!” – It’s from Kangaroof, a roof repair company! :-)

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