Eventfully Uneventful

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The holidays are over and we’re returning to reality, the responsibilities of work, managing finances, and keeping up with our home life. It’s been a lovely vacation! We spent the week before Christmas in Texas, New Years vegging at home, and in the past few weeks we’ve had over 10 glorious days off together. Perfection! Don’t get me wrong, we’ve been productive too: going to work, cat-sitting for a friend, and hashing out our accounts, insurances and budgets for the year. To round off our last few days of relaxation and holiday merriment we’ve watched countless episodes of our favorite Irish TV series Ballykissangel curled up in our pajamas by the lights of our Christmas tree and electric fireplace, rented two great flicks from Redbox, drank mugs of steaming hot cocoa and glasses of champagne, watched the Packers football game, challenged each other to lots of Mario Kart, Guinness World Records, and Party games on the Wii, mowed down on plenty of tasty eats, played some board games, slept in, and enjoyed our first legit snowfall of the season! We also finally got to go ice skating at Fountain Square (bonus: while it was snowing!) which was so much fun, and then we had the pleasure of driving through an absolute white-out of a snow storm in Northern Kentucky where the highway all but disappeared, visibility was literally reduced to the nose of your own vehicle, the roads were a sheet of ice, nobody drove in a lane because there were no lanes to be seen, everyone went less than 20 mph, and after we got through it there was a 15-car pile up on the bridge and they closed the highway. At least it was exciting!

It’s been so awesome to have these days off together to do nothing but what our little hearts desire! It’s been so awesome to relax, catch up on sleep, wear our pajamas all day, and exercise our brains with funny Irish humor and lots of games. We still have to put away our Christmas decorations, clean the house, do laundry, go grocery shopping, catch up on work commitments that have accumulated over the holidays, and countless other things. But we’ve had a great time, and to us it’s really important to cherish our down time together while we have it – because come next week, we’re both back to working 7 days a week, oh joy! Boy, is it going to be tough to get back to hunkering down and working hard after so much vegging, but if we want good changes to come our way in 2012, we have to work for them. So here we go!

Hope you enjoyed the rest of your holiday vacation and that the ease back into your regular routine is gentle and stress-free!

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