Findlay Spoils

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Ted brought home 6 lbs of green beans from the Findlay farmers market on Saturday. 6 lbs, for the two of us. They take up half a shelf in our fridge. 6 lbs might have been a little overkill, but they’re so good! Plus, they make for tasty snacking and Ted devours them by the handful.


He also, wisely, came home with a pound of cherries. The first of the year. But certainly not the last. I am happy to welcome the return of cherry season.


Then there’s the porkchops. What beefcakes! They’re getting so insanely big. There’s one in particular we call Beluga. It’s at least twice the size of the others and it’s blue coloring is really starting to come through. They’re all too big to get sucked into the filter now, thankfully, and they can scale the plants like little pros. They demand to be fed at least 3 times a day (porkchops!) and they all stand on the slate rock like its CrayFest 2012 until they are. They’re speedy and spastic swimmers too. Their water conditions are finally perfect, and we still have 15 that we can count. So, something must be going right! They’re so fun!





Rehearsals start today, so my postings may be sparse and rare for the next two weeks while I earn those last four equity points(!!!), but I’ll try not to disappear entirely! Also, the season premieres of Hell’s Kitchen & Master Chef were last night – a joyful occasion indeed! HK cracks me up and brings a little spice to my summer. Anyone else positively crave risotto every time you see Chef Ramsey?

Happy Tuesday!

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