From Chicago to Milwaukee

Do you remember when I said I didn’t like to skip days of posting and would, with the exception of a good reason, post daily? You don’t? Excellent. That’s what I was hoping you’d say. Yesterday we were without wireless internet, which makes it rather a challenge to post. Please excuse my lack of a post, but sometimes it’s just not meant to be. And today I’m absolutely drained (uh, vacay is tiring. no joke) so if my thoughts seem a little rambling, disjointed or loopy, it’s because it’s 8:30 and I’m fighting to keep my eyes open. Lame. I’m 24 and worried I won’t be able to stay up until midnight on New Year’s Eve – that’s the definition of ridiculous. I’ll have to remember to space out my energy consumption throughout the day tomorrow so I have enough to stretch out until midnight so we can properly ring in 2011 – preferably toasting with milk in a wine glass as we did last year. We are classy people, afterall.

Yesterday morning we drove to my sister’s house just outside of the Chicago area. We woke up at 4:45 a.m. to get there by mid-morning, which I think majorly deserves some sort of badge of courage, or at the very least a pat on the back and hearty congratulations.

First we went sledding. It was my first time ever to go sledding and it was awesome! We found a fun, fast sledding hill and we slid down multiple times. I took the boys a few times, Ted and I slid together for a few runs, and Kim and I took the last flight down.

Then Ted, Kim and I cozied up in the living room to watch The Boy in the Striped Pajamas (a fabulous and very highly recommended movie, if you’re in the mood for something thought-provoking!) while the boys napped. After the movie we set out for a stroll around the outlet malls, making stops at the Sony and Puma outlets, and for dinner we went to Swordfish, a fantastic contemporary sushi restaurant. I adore their sushi! It is so fresh, flavorful, and smooth, with gorgeous presentation! Cool Japanese decor and lighting provide a sophisticated urban atmosphere, and their ginger dressing is to die for! Like most couples, there are some things on which Ted and I are completely on the opposite ends of the spectrum – nothing wrong with a little healthy disagreement, right? For example, he likes it breezy & chilly and I prefer to be toasty warm. And while I really, truly enjoy excellent sushi every now and then, Ted won’t touch it. Luckily, his first sushi restaurant experience was neither horrible nor scaring. He ordered deliciously cooked salmon (he rated it among the top 5 salmons he has ever had), served with miso soup and a ginger dressing salad. I’m still salivating just thinking about how good it was!

After dinner (but right before we pansied out at the meek hour of 10:30 and crashed), we caught an episode of TLC’s Toddlers & Tiaras. Hahahaha! What a treat! It is one of those shows that is so awful and so ridiculous that it’s hilarious and you just can’t look away or stop watching. If you’ve ever been on Toddlers & Tiaras you should be mortified of your life choices. But thanks for the entertainment anyhow!

This morning we enjoyed Panera bagels at Kim and Tom’s, said our goodbyes, got some Jamba Juice for the road (another favorite thing that we catch when we drive through cities that have them!), and drove back to the Milwaukee area to spend the new years holiday’s with Ted’s sister and family – our annual tradition!

As is included in the tradition, we headed to the movie theatre with her and saw Tron (in 3D and on UltraScreen) – another wonderful pick! I was actually surprised by how entertaining and fun of a movie it was for an action film – if you are on the edge about it, I’d suggest going to see it because it is worth the money and experience to see it in theatres. And now we’re settled on the couch with some pizza and we just threw in the movie Deck the Halls to unwind a little before I wuss out and head to bed. I just realized that it sounds like all we do is watch movies and eat terribly unhealthy foods. Oh well, vacation is vacation, right? They don’t call it a treat for nothing!


Have a fun (and safe!) New Years Eve, everyone! I hope happy memories of 2010 bring a smile to your face and that 2011 is full of love, laughter and blessings!



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  1. Jack

    Your post time on this entry says you made it past midnight. Maybe you’re underestimating your stamina as you are getting “older.”

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