Hilarity Ensues

So, right now there’s not a ton going on for me to report, but in the coming weeks there will be all kinds of goodness on the blog…stay tuned!

In the meantime…

The Amazing Spiderman 2 movie starts filming in Rochester today through May 9. The NYPD prop police cruisers arrived in Rochester late last week. They’ll have parts of downtown closed daily while they film the car chase scenes and, of course, will be using many Rochestarians as extras in the flick. And this city is pretty jazzed about it too! Read all about it here. It’ll be nice to see familiar streets on the big screen when this film is released.

– Geva’s own Geva Comedy Improv actors provided the official video definition for the term “catwalk” for Theatre Dictionary. It’s hilarious. Check it out here! Go GCI! And check out the Theatre Dictionary here.

– Tom Hanks and his daughter mocking Toddlers & Tiaras. Awesome. Check it out here.

– This family is amazing! Every single day dad (and sometimes mom and siblings) dress up in costume to wave goodbye to their eighteen year old son when the school bus comes to pick him up in the morning. Seriously, the best!!! Check it out here. Love this family!

Happy Tuesday!

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