How We Got A Weather Radio

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Who rejoices when her husband suggests jumping in the truck to drive 25 miles each way to a Bass Pro Shop at 9 p.m. on a Monday night?

The person with a Bass Pro Shop gift-card who does not ever again want to be caught without an emergency weather radio while huddled under a couch cushion and snuggled up against a sturdy road case in the cold, dark basement the next time the tornado sirens go off, the wind picks up, and the power craps out leaving her home alone with shoddy cell service and no access to a Doppler radar.

That’s who.

Well played Cincinnati.

One new emergency weather radio with 7 channels of NOAA and S.A.M.E technology and a pack of D batteries = immediately acquired.

P.S. – I did, however, find an excellent use for all those beautiful mason jar candles leftover from our wedding. They make fantastic emergency lighting for our home. On the surprising upside, we also were able to enjoy a romantic hot meal by candlelight together even without power since earlier that day I’d randomly decided to cook our dinner in the slow cooker and it was still hot when Ted finally got home to save me from my exhausting fear and misery.

We supposedly have two more days of this tornado crap coming our way. I am not in the least excited for this, but at least this time we’ll know just how doomed we are instead of being forced to succumb to the unwanted element of surprise. Weather radio, I love you.

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