Lonely Nights

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I’m sure you’ve heard by now (unless you live under a rock, though, to be fair, I quite enjoyed the secluded comfort of my football-ignorant rock for many years) that PackerBowl Sunday was a smashing success…for the Packers. With 15 players on injured reserve, we were stoked simply to make it to the playoffs! But to finally have another SuperBowl win is awesome! Some of the pass plays were troublesome and most of our progress was made by the defense, but the Packers had some stellar teamwork and they were really spot on with their tackles. We watched the game and loved a few of the best commercials! I was pretty much horrified by every entertainment act there though – they were all awful! The sound was obviously off on the Black Eyed Peas performance (unfortunately, because it was cool otherwise!) and the Glee girl and Christina are lame choices for SuperBowl entertainment. Not to mention they both totally botched the songs they sang. But we enjoyed excellent company with the host and hostess, delicious chili, Stromboli, and seven-layer taco dip, and it feels great to say that the Packers won the SuperBowl! What a well-deserved win after a trying season!

Ted is serving as the fill-in Master Electrician for the opera Figaro this week, meaning he’ll be working from 9 a.m. – 1 a.m. every day this week, so I’ll be spending the next six nights all by my lonesome. I’m stuck somewhere between excitement and dread. On one hand these nights all to myself afford me the rare opportunity to indulge in my beloved sushi, artichokes, wine-steamed mussels, Chipotle, and other delicious savory delicacies that Ted doesn’t like. I can finish uploading wedding photos, bake brownies, watch sappy chick-flicks and romcom’s, and I don’t need to cook every night, unless I want to! The downside is that I love his companionship and look forward to hanging out with him at the end of the day. Also, I don’t really like being home alone, all by myself, at night. The unexplainable creaky-house soundtrack, wind howls, and other shiver-inducing sound effects send my imagination into overtime and by the time nightfall rolls around, I’ve thoroughly freaked myself out. It doesn’t help that when I came home from work this afternoon I immediately noticed that our bathroom door was closed tight. I was the last one to leave the house this morning and I never close the bathroom door unless I’m in there, so I’m flat-out convinced someone was in our house today because I know I left it open. See, wish my brave husband were home tonight so I can stop shaking in my boots. Hope you have a safe and happy week!

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