Our 2011 in Review

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In January I began working part-time at job #1, the museum, after a bittersweet 4-month employment hiatus due to our wedding and subsequent move to Cincinnati. We got our nice new TV, and Ted’s parents came to visit us in Cincinnati for a long weekend.

In February we enjoyed a solid Packers Superbowl win. We watched the game at the home of some of our friends, who happened to be Steelers fans.

In March Ted had and recovered from knee surgery, we explored the town of Milford, celebrated St. Patrick’s day in style with green eggs and ham and beer-batter pancakes for breakfast, and I bought my awesome bike, Carmela.

In April we went to our first Cincinnati Reds baseball game and Ted’s parents came to visit us again. Cincinnati also nearly broke the rainiest month on record statistic. So much rain!!

In May my sister, brother-in-law, and nephews drove in from Chicago to spend a few days with us in Cincinnati. We showed them all our great city has to offer, including the Taste of Cincy festival, and we checked out a couple race horse farms and museums in Kentucky, including Churchill Downs. I started working part-time at job # 2 as the education outreach director for a neat Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky based dance company.

In June I flew home to Texas for a visit with my family, friends, and kitty. I gorged myself on heat and Mexican food and it was wonderful. Meanwhile Ted spent that week in Green Bay finishing up a road case building gig. I also drove to Chicago for a night to celebrate the birthday of my cousin Tammy.

In July Ted’s sister, brother-in-law, nephew, and niece came to visit us in Cincinnati over the 4th of July weekend. We took it easy, played Wii, and went to Coney Island for some rides, games, and fireworks.

In August we selected and put a deposit down on our new apartment and I started working part-time at job #3 (a professional theatre company). I turned 25 and Ted turned 32, and we cruised to Alaska for our long-awaited honeymoon!

In September I got a stylish update with new Coach glasses, we drove to Green Bay for the Packers home opener game against the Saints, and then to Door County for a perfect fall weekend together to celebrate our 1-year wedding anniversary (a little early!) in the place where we got married. I also started part-time at job #4, teaching musical theatre, and my new niece Halle Grace was born in Virginia.

In October we left behind our beloved first home and moved to our great new apartment. We spent much of the month moving, cleaning, unpacking, and organizing. We also celebrated our official 1-year wedding anniversary on the 22nd with a bottle of our wedding wine, the top layer of our wedding cake, and a sweet dance to our first dance song.

In November I cooked my first Thanksgiving dinner for just Ted and I. It was really nice to spend Thanksgiving together, just the two of us, and to start our own traditions. We watched the Packer game, relaxed at home, gave thanks for all our blessings, and enjoyed each other’s company. We also finished the long design process for our three wedding albums. They turned out amazing!

In December my musical theatre kiddos rocked out their final performance, we spent a glorious Christmas in Texas with my parents and sister’s family, and a little excitement rounded out my year when there was a small fire and subsequent mid-morning evacuation at job #1 on New Year’s Eve (everything was okay). Fun stuff!

And that was our 2011! It was a good year for us, and for this we are very thankful. I’m excited to usher in 2012, but will leave 2011 behind with fond memories of our first full year in Cincinnati as husband and wife. We’re hoping 2012 brings me one full-time theatre job that I’ll love, happiness in Ted’s job, more travel opportunities, and most importantly, the blessings of good health, prosperity, happiness, and appreciation for our many blessings for both ourselves and our dear families and friends.

What are you wishing for in 2012?

Happy NYE!

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