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“I’m a tiny little person with nothing to worry about running in circles, worried out of her mind.”

– Tina Fey, Bossypants

I loved this insight the minute I read it. It has become my new inspiration and daily mantra for the simultaneous stresses of house hunting and job hunting.

Everything will be fine.

They’re cutting back hours at work so my already pitiful income is shrinking more, if that’s even possible. Apartments that are for rent one day that we take a serious liking to are unavailable the next. I wonder if I’ll ever hear back from any of the theatre companies I keep applying to for full-time jobs so I can have a chance at career happiness doing what I really want to be doing.

But every day it really helps to remember just how good we have it.

We’re healthy, we have jobs, we have a home, we have each other, and we’re happy. 

Stressing over finding better employment or a more convenient home when we already have some money coming in, food on our table, and a roof over our head? Those are not problems.

Being unemployed with a family to care for and no savings, facing a fatal illness, or living on the streets? That’s a problem. Not having five bucks to your name, living without a family to love you, or dealing with a drug addiction? That’s a problem. Losing your nine-month-old baby boy because you didn’t have a phone or even the money to feed a pay phone to call for help? That’s a problem. To those people who have real things to worry about, I am that quote to a T.

“I’m a tiny little person with nothing to worry about running in circles, worried out of her mind.”

I have nothing to worry about. Everything will be fine.

And it will be.

If you’re anything like me and sometimes feel overwhelmed, I suggest you commit this quote to memory and think about it every single day. You’d be surprised what it can do for you once you stop the negativity to think about how truly nonthreatening your problems are, how silly you’re being, and how much happier you’d be if you just quit worrying and trusted that everything would, indeed, be just fine. Because it will be.


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