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After a blissfully relaxing weekend of tree hunting in the snow, cookie eating, and  watching Christmas movies, this busy week is going to be a slap in the face. I’m not entirely convinced I’m ready for it yet. At all.

In addition to the usual hubbub around here – unpacking boxes (still!!), cleaning, grocery shopping, making meals, applying for jobs, and laundry, there’s always the other household duties to attend to. Like digging my car out from under the snow and ice in the 6 degree wind-chill we are experiencing today, siphoning the “for-above-32-degrees” Texas washer fluid (which is frozen solid, by the way) out of my Buick, scratching my old registration stickers off my windshield which months of 100+ Texas heat have permanently glued on, and finding an in-network doctor for Ted so he can get his Insulin prescriptions. There’s also the storage shelving units we are planning to build onto the basement walls, Christmas cards to be designed and ordered, Christmas gifts to be purchased, wrapped and shipped, our Thank You cards from the wedding to be finished and mailed (Dear Photographer: HURRY UP), and joint bank accounts and insurance plans to be decided on. And we don’t want to miss out on all the fun of the holiday season, so there’s the tree to be decorated, the dinosaur and Hubble telescope exhibits at the museum to visit, the ice skating rink at Fountain Square in downtown Cincy, a Cincinnati Cyclones NHL ice hockey game to go to, and tickets to the Cincinnati Ballet’s The Nutcracker on  Friday night. Whew! I have no idea how we are going to get it all done.

Today I’ll keep it short and sweet. I’ll leave myself and everyone else with this image to remind us to slow down and take a moment away from the hustle and bustle to reflect on what the holiday season is really all about.





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