Ruining A Good Thing

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I hate it when the writers of your favorite show screw up everything.

Especially when it was just starting to get really good and the plot twists a long time in the making were finally starting to fall into place and you started to have a fond affinity for the characters, then WHAM! In one ridiculous episode, the writers decide, why don’t we simply ruin the integrity of the entire show by unexpectedly killing off a main character and sending the show’s other main character away, never to return. Won’t that be nice? Won’t that boost our ratings?


Because you’ll be left with a hacked off audience, no characters anyone recognizes or cares about, and no closure for any of the characters or situations that were offed. It doesn’t even make sense. And it will suck royally. You watch shows because you become invested in the characters and when, in one fell swoop, all your characters disappear just as things are heating up, don’t expect your audience to be pleased as punch or to stick around.

As a side note, there are in fact, other ways to phase actors out of a show other than offing them unexpectedly, then providing no clues or further explanations to help tie up the loose ends. If you spent three years writing a clever show, don’t take the cheap way out. Use a little grace and creativity please!

I realize this is just a TV show. An Irish comedy/drama from the late 90s that has long since ended (likely because the writers were fools and expected the show to continue with an entirely different cast and a plot that goes against the founding principals of the series)…

…but I’m still mad!

So mad that I don’t even want to watch the last three seasons. So mad that I actually went online and read up on what happens in the rest of the series (which i hate doing because I like to be surprised) and decided that I hate what they did with the rest of the series too.

I also realize that this is what we refer to as profound overreacting but the show used to be SO good and I’m extremely disappointed by the writers’ lame cheap shots to mix things up, which ruined the charm that we all loved about the show.

Poor Ted was beside himself with laughing/horror/confusion/concern as I sat balled up on the couch, angry and crying. He still wants to get and watch the last three seasons because he wants to know what happens next. He’s a man and men are sensible. I’m willing (but only marginally willing) to give it another try once I take a few months to get over my anger and bitterness, but I think the show’s hey day is over.


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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Janet

    Well now I’m curious. What show is this? I’m sitting here laughing and wanting to watch it, lol

    1. Lara

      Ballykissangel. It’s about an English Catholic priest assigned to a small town in Ireland. Very funny and very endearing and very clever. Until the end of season 4. I can’t even talk about it because I’m still so mad!!!

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