Stuff My Husband Won’t Eat #3

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Strawberry rosemary scones. A copy-cat recipe of a rosemary scone from a Rochester bakery I tried a few weeks ago and fell in love with. Made a batch this week and they were delicious! Recipe here.


Salad: Kale, white wine infused quinoa, lemon garlic rosemary grilled chicken, shallots, blueberries, raw pumpkin seeds, grapefruit, and topped with a dressing of salt, pepper, grapefruit juice and a drizzle of olive oil. Easy, filling, flavorful and healthy. Of my own twisted creation. Apparently detox diet friendly, I’ve been told.

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Rambutan fruit! Not the most glorious or appetizing picture of this exotic red Malaysian fruit, but it is sweet and juicy like a grape and tastes really, really great. Just don’t eat the big seed in the middle. Supposedly, it’s mildly toxic. But don’t let that scare you away from this wonderful dessert fruit. I had several this week and plan to stock up on more.


Seasoned sauteed tilapia over quinoa with cilantro and mango, and a handful of olive oil, salt and pepper roasted brussel sprouts with a garlic, lemon and cayenne aioli dipping sauce. Recipe of my own fridge-clearing creation.


Prickly Pear fruit (you know, the pretty fruit flower on top of cactus?) topped with a dallop of whip cream and a sprinkling of chili power to cut the sweetness. Not sure I’d love it plain as it is very sweet, but it tastes absolutely divine when paired with a bit of whip cream and chili power. A totally flavorful and balanced delectable combination. Be warned: I’ve been plucking tiny, thin, hair like thorns out of my hands for the past three days straight (wear gloves!) and the seeds are a pain in the butt to work around, though I’ve since learned that the seeds are edible. If you’d like to try it, here are some instructions on how to handle, cut and eat them so you don’t meet the same annoying, sliver-y fate I did.

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Sara

    You cook like such an adult! lol My guy considers it a “home cooked” meal if I throw some frozen meatballs in Rago and dump it over pasta. I must get adventurous and try some of those 29,239 recipes I’ve Pinned.

    1. Lara

      I’m trying to be better at that too! I have so many delicious ones pinned, now I just need to make them.

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