George Clooney is in Cincinnati. EVERYBODY FREAK OUT.
He’s in town to film his latest flick, The Ides of March. Apparently, this gives everyone a free pass to act like idiots. Or at least it gives 17 semi trucks the right to park on a narrow two-lane inner-city road and block traffic in Mt. Lookout all day while people rubber-neck. Same thing.
I awoke to a sweet surprise – an adorable card from my dear husband on our dining room table yesterday morning for Valentine’s Day. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – I’d be happy with a good hug and I certainly didn’t expect him to buy me anything since we don’t typically buy into the commercialism of Valentine’s Day, so I was happily surprised to receive a card! Ted was gone from 7:15 a.m. – 12:00 a.m. yesterday for work, so I made him a tasty cheesy Italian sausage pasta casserole and fresh berry cheesecake and brought it to him over his dinner break. We sat in his office, ate, and watched an episode of Big Bang Theory on Hulu. After parking for 30 minutes in George Clooney traffic, I came home and unwrapped this…
….from my awesome brother, Brent! He’s stationed in Germany for the year and he sent us a huge box of Germany candy, which arrived on our doorstep this morning (perfect timing!) – Haribo gummy bears, Toblerone, Milka, and Ritter. I’m in heaven! After surveying the candy scene and deciding where to start, I plopped on the couch and debated between watching Up or The Notebook for the 4 millionth time. Fun fact: The Notebook was released at midnight on Valentine’s Day 2oo5. It was in my dorm room by 7 a.m. that very morning (and I had watched it twice by midnight that evening) thanks to my Valentine that year who knew that it was quite possibly going to be my favorite movie of all time. The poor, unsuspecting dude saw it in theatres with me where I burst into ugly, uncontrollable sobs and bawled for a good 45 minutes post-showing before I was able to get enough of a grip on my life that we could leave the theatre without causing a scene. Conversely, my friend Emily had quite the opposite reaction. The first time she saw it she laughed so hard that she turned 8 shades of red and practically spit out her mouth full of malted milk balls onto the carpet in my bedroom. I guess it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. Anyhow, that’s all beside the point. I settled for Up because it’s funny, original, romantic and I don’t have it completely memorized. Ted and I saw it in theatres when we were living in Lansing and loved the animation and the story. We knew immediately that it was a “must own.” It’s likely to become another favorite, especially since I sniffled through the first 15 minutes of this one too. Apparently a movie has to summon tears in order to meet my stiff criteria.

Have a happy Tuesday!
I remember seeing that in theatres with Emily. The nursing home bus full of grannies we saw it with did not appreciate her laughing.