The Forgotten Past

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So, we all know I have a fascination for abandoned places, especially abandoned theme parks and subways. In the past I’ve blogged about the abandoned Cincinnati water park Surf Cincinnati, the abandoned mall in Cincinnati, and the abandoned Cincinnati subway system we were super fortunate to tour last spring.

Imagine my delight to learn that Rochester too has an abandoned subway system!! Unfortunately, they don’t do tours of it or Ted and I would be all over that adventure as well. I also learned that Rochester has a gorgeous abandoned chapel in the Mt. Hope cemetery (which is literally across the street from where I live now). They don’t do tours of the chapel either, but rumor has it that they might renovate it? I sure hope so because it is beautiful. Anyway, enjoy some amazing photos of the inside of it here.

Late Saturday night Ted and I were on the phone and he was checking something weather related when the weather channel website’s travel section popped up some awesome photos of creepy abandoned theme parks and eerie abandoned islands (including one in NY that I must see!). If you’ve got 20 minutes, you really should see these pictures. There are 7 abandoned islands (each island featured has about 7 photos of it, so don’t miss any!) and there are 8 abandoned theme parks worldwide featured (each theme park has anywhere between 5 and 50 photos associated with it, so don’t miss clicking though those either!). Totally worth your time, especially if you are just completely fascinated by abandoned places like me. It’s just so amazing what people will leave behind.

If you’re extra enthralled, you should also check out these phenomenal jellyfish (it blows my mind that animals this beautiful even exist in the world, right beneath the water and we hardly ever get to see or appreciate them), these amazing bridges, and these amazing roads (my travel bucket list just exploded).

You’re welcome. Hope you didn’t have work you wanted to actually get done today or anything.

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