The Kindness of Strangers

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Over the past seven weeks I have been privy to an outpouring of kindness I can only describe as welcoming, humbling, and heartwarming. Being new to a place is never easy. Being new to many new things and many big changes all at once is never easy. But I think I’ve been very fortunate to have met so many kind people in such a short amount of time, and especially at a time when a little bit of friendliness can really go a long way.

The people I work with have just been, hands down, exceptionally fantastic. A few will, and already have, become good friends. On Saturday morning two sweet friends from work selflessly volunteered to give up their Saturday morning to help me with the notoriously un-fun task of moving…and we knocked the whole shebang out in an hour and fifteen minutes then went for brunch at a local diner to celebrate. I went to a new church Sunday morning, was instantly recognized as someone new by the young adults coordinator and she made a point to find me right away, welcome me warmly, and sit and chat with me for a few minutes. A guy on an elevator in my new skyrise apartment saw me struggling with a heavy basket full of stuff and he asked if he could carry it to my apartment for me. Another woman at a different church downtown has emailed me several times a week just to check in on me, invite me to things, and see if I need anything. Strangers on the street make eye contact and actually say hello. One of my new friends started as a work contact who emailed me one day and invited me to dinner because she knew how hard it must be to be new. Since then she’s been my date to opening night this weekend, we email a few time a week, and have more dinner and theatre date plans for next week. I also have fun plans with two more awesome girls I happened to meet who were kind enough to strike up a conversation with me. My new roommate has totally gone out of her way to make things comfortable and welcoming! And these are only a few examples. Grateful doesn’t even begin to describe it!

In other news, while Saturday was all about the moving (and the autumn baking!), Sunday was all about sleeping in, trying out another new church, soft pretzels and warm beer cheese while watching the Packer game at my favorite bar (love Sunday football!!!), gorgeous sunny windy fall weather that blows and swirls colored leaves all over the roads (beautiful driving weather!), and a pumpkin carving party and fall potluck with some new friends.

What have you been thankful for lately?

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