The Snow Blues

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It’s kind of hard to believe that at this time last year I was knee-deep in hunting for the perfect wedding dress. I remember being really disappointed by the selection in San Antonio (they were almost all strapless princess ball gowns with an obscene amount of sequins, beads and details) and I didn’t like any of the dresses others liked on me  – they were nothing like the sleeveless, simple gown with unique detailing on the back I had in mind. I finally found the perfect one in February and took it home that day, but it’s strange to think how different life is this Christmas. It’s good and it’s so nice to be married to someone so wonderful, but we’re in a totally different place (literally and figuratively) than last year. I know the change happened over a year, but it seems so fast.

In not so new news, it’s snowing. Again. It was pouring snow when we woke up this morning and overnight there was about a 3-5″ accumulation. The list of school closures in the area on the radio this morning took nearly five minutes to read. It was ridiculous. They finished it off by saying “If you know of a school that isn’t closed, we’d love to know about it!” Ted shoveled a little bit of the driveway before he left for work this morning and then it took me two hours to shovel about 60% more of it. I still have a little more to go, but it started snowing (again) and I just can’t bring myself to finish shoveling while its still snowing out. What’s the point? Maybe I’ll muster up the energy when it stops again.

I still have boxes to unpack from Texas that mom and dad brought up over Thanksgiving (not that our kitchen furniture is here yet so I can’t even unpack that stuff), the Thank You cards are waiting to be stuffed and have the picture printed on them (when we can determine the right printer settings. Who knew printers were so finicky?), I have job research to do (why can’t I just do my old job long-distance?), and if our wedding pictures ever arrive (I’m losing hope) we have those to sort through. I have gifts to finish compiling and wrapping, and dinner and peppermint bark to make….but I don’t want to do any of this. I want to fly home to Texas where there isn’t snow and it’s in the 70s, where there’s a Riverwalk, my friends, my parents, and a Sancho that I haven’t seen in over two months. Because that’s Christmas to me. This is one of those downer blog days, but I’m just keeping it real here. I’m sick of being homesick. I didn’t think I would be, especially since I wasn’t during my year in Michigan, but I guess I am. I guess I just want a holiday at my old home.

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